A Special defines a set of custom overrides to standard Query questions that apply under specific conditions.
At any given time, a Special is either active or inactive. This is determined by the active() method.
: object
Superclass Tree (in declaration order)
` object`
Subclass Tree
Global Objects
Summary of Properties
Summary of Methods
Am I active? Each instance should override this to define the conditions that activate the Special.
Class property: the list of all Special objects throughout the game. This is set up during preinit.
Class property: cache of all currently active Specials. This is set whenever someone asks for the list and it’s not available, and is cleared whenever an Effect modifies the game state. (Callers shouldn’t access this directly - this is an internal cache. Use the allActive() method instead.)
My priority. This is an integer value that determines which Special takes precedence when two or more Specials are active at the same time, and they both/all define a given query method. In such a situation, Q calls the active Specials in ascending priority order (lowest first, highest last), and takes the last one’s answer as the true answer to the question. This means that the Special with the highest priority takes precedence, and can override any lower-ranking Special that’s active at the same time.
The library uses the following special priority values:
0 = the basic library defaults. The defaults must have the lowest priority, meaning that all Special objects defined by a game or extension must use priorities higher than 0.
Other than the special priorities listed above, the priority is simply a relative ordering, so games and extensions can use whatever range of values they like.
Note that priorities can’t change while running. This is a permanent feature of the object. We take advantage of this to avoid re-sorting the active list every time we build it. We sort the master list at initialization and assume it stays sorted, so that any subset is inherently sorted. If it’s important to the game to dynamically change priorities, you just need to re-sort the allActive_ list at appropriate times. If priorities can only change when the game-world state changes, you can simply sort the list in allActive() each time it’s rebuilt. If priorities can change at other times (which doesn’t seem like it’d be useful, but just in case), you’d need to re-sort the list on every call to allActive(), even when the list isn’t rebuilt.
allActive ( )
Class method: get the list of active Specials.
classInit ( )
during initialization, build the list of all Specials
first (prop)
Get the first active Special (the one with the highest priority) that defines the given method. This is used by the Q query methods to invoke the correct current Special version of the method.
next ( )
Call the same method in the next lower priority Special. This can be used in any Special query method to invoke the “default” version that would have been used if the current Special had not been active.
This is analogous to using ‘inherited’ to inherit the superclass version of a method from an overriding version in a subclass. As with ‘inherited’, you can only call this directly from the method that you want to pass to the default handling, because this routine determines what to call based on the caller.
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1