






Conversation manager output filter. We look for special tags in the output stream:

<.reveal key> - add ‘key’ to the knowledge token lookup table. The ‘key’ is an arbitrary string, which we can look up in the table to determine if the key has even been revealed. This can be used to make a response conditional on another response having been displayed, because the key will only be added to the table when the text containing the <.reveal key> sequence is displayed.

<.unreveal key> - remove ‘key from the knowledge token lookup table.

<.inform key> - add ‘key’ to our actor’s knowledge token lookup take. The ‘key’ is an arbitrary string, which we can look up in the table to determine if the actor has ever been informed about this key. This can be used to make a response conditional on another response having been displayed, because the key will only be added to the information table when the text containing the <.inform key> sequence is displayed.

<.convnode name> - add ‘name’ to the current list of convKeys (this actually adds it to the actor’s pendingKeys for use on the next turn); this is normally used to trigger a Conversation Node that’s defined to match the same name.

<.convodet name> does the same as <.convnode name> and additionally schedules a topic inventory (a listing of suggested topics); this can be used to ensure that the player knows what conversational options are available in the node we’re about to enter, where this isn’t obvious from the context.

<.convstay> - retain the same list of active keys for the next conversational response (and thus has the effect of making the conversation remain in the same conversation node).

<.convstayt> - does the same as <.convstay> but additionally schedules a topic inventory.

<.topics> - schedule a topic inventory for the end of the turn (just before the next command prompt)

<.arouse key> Set the curiosityAroused property to true for all TopicEntries whose convKeys include key

<.suggest key> Schedule a topic inventory for all topic entries whose convKeys include key.

<.sugkey key> Set our actor’s suggestionKey to key (this potentially restricts the list of topics that will be suggested)

<.activate key> Set the activated property to true for every topic entry whose convKeys list includes key.

<.agenda item> Add item to the agenda list of our Actor and any associated DefaultAgendaTopics.

<.remove item> Remove item from the agenda list of our Actor and any associated DefaultAgendaTopics.

<.state newstate> Change our actor’s current ActorState to newstate.

<.known obj> Mark obj (a Thing or Topic) as now being known (i.e. familiar)

conversationManager :   OutputFilter PreinitObject

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)

`                 object [PreinitObject](../object/PreinitObject.html) [ModuleExecObject](../object/ModuleExecObject.html)                         object`

Summary of Properties  

convnodeSetTurn customTags idToActor objNameTab pendingTopicInventory pendingTopicInventoryKey respondingActor tagPat

Inherited from PreinitObject :
execBeforeMe reverseGlobalSymbols

Inherited from ModuleExecObject :
execAfterMe hasInitialized_ isDoingExec_ isExecuted_

Summary of Methods  

doCustomTag execute filterText manageKeys scheduleTopicInventory setInformed setRevealed setUnrevealed showAgendaError showKnownError showObjDoesNotBelongToActorError showObjNotExistError showStateError showWrongKindofObjectError topicInventoryDaemon

Inherited from ModuleExecObject :
_execute classExec




The turn on which we last processed a convnode tag



Custom extended tags. Games and library extensions can add their own tag processing as needed, by using ‘modify’ to extend this object. There are two things you have to do to add your own tags:

First, add a ‘customTags’ property that defines a regular expression for your added tags. This will be incorporated into the main pattern we use to look for tags. Simply specify a string that lists your tags separated by “|” characters, like this:

customTags = ‘foo|bar’

Second, define a doCustomTag() method to process the tags. The filter routine will call your doCustomTag() method whenever it finds one of your custom tags in the output stream.



a vector of actors, indexed by their convMgrID values



no description available



flag: we have a pending prompt-time topic inventory request



The key to use for the pending prompt-time inventory request



The actor we’re dealing with is the player character’s current interlocutor



regular expression pattern for our tags


doCustomTag (tag, arg)


no description available

execute ( )OVERRIDDEN



filterText (ostr, txt)OVERRIDDEN


filter text written to the output stream

manageKeys ( )


Provided we have a respondingActor, call its manageKeys method.

scheduleTopicInventory (key, =, nil)


Schedule a topic inventory request. Game code can call this at any time to request that the player character’s topic inventory be shown automatically just before the next command prompt. In most cases, game code won’t call this directly, but will request the same effect using the <.topics> tag in topic response text.

setInformed (tag)


Notify every actor who’s in a position to hear that we’ve just imparted some information.

setRevealed (tag)


Mark a tag as revealed. This adds an entry for the tag to the revealedNameTab table. We simply set the table entry to ‘true’; the presence of the tag in the table constitutes the indication that the tag has been revealed.

(Games and library extensions can use ‘modify’ to override this and store more information in the table entry. For example, you could store the time when the information was first revealed, or the location where it was learned. If you do override this, just be sure to set the revealedNameTab entry for the tag to a non-nil and non-zero value, so that any code testing the presence of the table entry will see that the slot is indeed set.)

The actual method and the revealedNameTab are on libGlobal rather than here in order to make them available to games that don’t include actor.t.

setUnrevealed (tag)


Mark a tag as unrevealed. This removes an entry for the tag to the revealedNameTab table.

The actual method and the revealedNameTab are on libGlobal rather than here in order to make them available to games that don’t include actor.t.

showAgendaError (tag, arg)


Display an error message if the game code tries to add or remove agenda items from an agendaList using a <.agenda item> or <.remove item> tag, when item doesn’t correspond to a valid AgendaItem, but only do so if the game has been compiled for debugging.

showKnownError (tag, arg)


Display an error message if the game code tries mark an object as known about using a <.known obj> tag, when obj doesn’t correspond to a valid Mentionable object, but only do so if the game has been compiled for debugging.

showObjDoesNotBelongToActorError (tag, arg, typ)


The object referred to by tag doesn’t belong to the actor in question

showObjNotExistError (tag, arg, typ)


The object referred to by tag doesn’t exist

showStateError (tag, arg)


Display an error message if the game code tries to change our actor’s ActorState via a <.state newstate> tag, when tag doesn’t correspond to a valid ActorState, but only do so if the game has been compiled for debugging.

showWrongKindofObjectError (tag, arg, typ)


The object referred to by tag is the wrong sort of object

topicInventoryDaemon ( )


Prompt daemon: show topic inventory when appropriate. When a response explicitly asks us to show a topic inventory using the <.topics> tag, or when other game code asks us to show topic inventory by calling scheduleTopicInventory(), we’ll show the inventory just before the command input prompt.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1