#charset "us-ascii"
* Copyright (c) 2008 Michael J. Roberts. All Rights Reserved.
* This module provides the run-time component of "multi-methods" in TADS
* 3. This works with the compiler to implement a multiple-dispatch
* system.
* Multi-methods are essentially a combination of regular object methods
* and "overloaded functions" in languages like C++. Like a regular
* object method, multi-methods are polymorphic: you can define several
* incarnations of the same function name, with different parameter
* types, the system picks the right binding for each invocation
* dynamically, based on the actual argument values at run-time. Unlike
* regular methods, though, the selection is made on ALL of the argument
* types, not just a special "self" argument. In that respect,
* multi-methods are like overloaded functions in C++; but multi-methods
* differ from C++ overloading in that the selection of which method to
* call is made dynamically at run-time, not at compile time.
* There are two main uses for multi-methods.
* First, most obviously, multi-methods provide what's known as "multiple
* dispatch" semantics. There are some situations (actually, quite a
* few) where the ordinary Object Oriented notion of polymorphism -
* selecting a method based on a single target object - doesn't quite do
* the trick, because what you really want to do is select a particular
* method based on the *combination* of objects involved in an operation.
* Some canonical examples are calculating intersections of shapes in a
* graphics program, where you want to select a specialized "Rectangle +
* Circle" routine in one case and a "Line + Polygon" routine in another;
* or performing file format conversions, where you want to select, say,
* a specialized "JPEG to PNG" routine. In an IF context, the obvious
* use is for carrying out multi-object verbs, where you might want a
* special routine for PUT (liquid) IN (vessel), and another for PUT
* (object) IN (container).
* Second, multi-methods offer a way of extending a class without having
* to change the class's source code. Since a multi-method is defined
* externally to any classes it refers to, you can create a method that's
* polymorphic on class type - just like a regular method - but as a
* syntactically stand-alone function. This feature isn't as important
* in TADS as in some other languages, since TADS lets you do essentially
* the same thing with the "modify" syntax; but for some purposes the
* multi-method approach might be preferable aesthetically, since it's
* wholly external to the class rather than a sort of lexically separate
* continuation of the class's code. (However, as a practical matter,
* it's not all that different; our implementation of multi-methods does
* in fact modify the original class object, since we store the binding
* information in the class objects.)
#include <tads.h>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Invoke a multi-method function. For an expression of the form
*. f(a, b, ...)
* where 'f' has been declared as a multi-method, the compiler will
* actually generate code that invokes this function, like so:
*. _multiMethodCall(baseFunc, params);
* 'baseFunc' is a function pointer giving the base function; this is a
* pointer to the common stub function that the compiler generates to
* identify all of the multi-methods with a given name. 'params' is a
* list giving the actual parameter values for invoking the function.
* Our job is to find the actual run-time binding for the function given
* the actual parameters, and invoke it.
_multiMethodCall(baseFunc, args)
/* get the function binding lookup information */
local info = _multiMethodRegistry.boundFuncTab_[baseFunc];
/* it's an error if there's no binding */
if (info == nil)
throw new UnboundMultiMethod(baseFunc, args);
* Look up the function binding based on the arguments. To ensure
* that we match a function with the correct number of argument, we
* have to explicitly add the last-argument placeholder to the list.
local func = _multiMethodSelect(info, args + _multiMethodEndOfList);
/* if we found a binding, invoke it; otherwise throw an error */
if (func == nil)
throw new UnboundMultiMethod(baseFunc, args);
return (func)(args...);
* Invoke the base multi-method inherited from the given multi-method.
* 'fromFunc' is a pointer to a multi-method, presumably the one
* currently running; we look up the next in line in inheritance order
* and invoke it with the given argument list.
_multiMethodCallInherited(fromFunc, [args])
/* static mode - get the cached inheritance information */
local inh = _multiMethodRegistry.inhTab_[fromFunc];
/* dynamic mode - get the base function binding */
local info = _multiMethodRegistry.boundFuncTab_[
/* it's an error if it doesn't exist */
if (info == nil)
throw new UnboundInheritedMultiMethod(fromFunc, args);
/* look up the inherited function based on the actual parameters */
local inh = _multiMethodInherit(
fromFunc, info, args + _multiMethodEndOfList);
/* it's an error if there's no inherited binding */
if (inh == nil)
throw new UnboundInheritedMultiMethod(fromFunc, args);
/* call it */
return (inh)(args...);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Get a pointer to a resolved multi-method function. This takes a
* pointer to the base function for the multi-method and a list of actual
* argument values, and returns a function pointer to the specific
* version of the multi-method that would be invoked if you called the
* multi-method with that argument list.
* For example, if you want to get a pointer to the function that would
* be called if you were to call foo(x, y, z), you'd use:
*. local func = getMultiMethodPointer(foo, x, y, z);
* We return a pointer to the individual multi-method function that
* matches the argument list, or nil if there's no matching multi-method.
getMultiMethodPointer(baseFunc, [args])
/* get the function binding lookup information */
local info = _multiMethodRegistry.boundFuncTab_[baseFunc];
/* if there's no binding information, return failure */
if (info == nil)
return nil;
/* look up and return the function binding based on the arguments */
return _multiMethodSelect(info, args + _multiMethodEndOfList);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Resolve a multi-method binding. This function takes a binding
* property ID (the property we assign during the registration process to
* generate the binding tables) and a "remaining" argument list. This
* function invokes itself recursively to traverse the arguments from
* left to right, so at each recursive invocation, we lop off the
* leftmost argument (the one we're working on currently) and pass in the
* remaining arguments in the list.
* We look up the binding property on the first argument in the remaining
* argument list. This can yield one of three things:
* - The trivial result is nil, which means that this binding property
* has no definition on the first argument. This doesn't necessarily
* mean that the whole function is undefined on the arguments; it only
* means that the current inheritance level we're looking at for the
* previous argument(s) has no binding. If we get this result we simply
* return nil to tell the caller that it must look at an inherited
* binding for the previous argument.
* - If the result is a function pointer, it's the bound function. This
* is the final result for the recursion, so we simply return it.
* - Otherwise, the result will be a new property ID, giving the property
* that resolves the binding for the *next* argument. In this case, we
* use this property to resolve the next argument in the list by a
* recursive invocation. If that recursive call succeeds (i.e., returns
* a non-nil value), we're done - we simply return the recursive result
* as though it were our own. If it fails, it means that there's no
* binding for the particular subclass we're currently working on for the
* first argument - however, there could still be a binding for a parent
* class of the first argument. So, we iterate up to any inherited
* binding for the first argument, and if we find one, we try again with
* the same recursive call. We continue up our first argument's class
* tree until we either find a binding (in which case we return it) or
* exhaust the class tree (in which case we return nil).
_multiMethodSelect(prop, args)
local obj, binding;
* Get the first argument from the remaining arguments. If it's not
* an object, use the placeholder object for non-object parameter
* bindings.
local orig = args[1];
if (dataType(orig) not in (TypeObject, TypeList, TypeSString))
orig = _multiMethodNonObjectBindings;
/* get the remaining arguments */
args = args.sublist(2);
* Look up the initial binding - this is simply the value of the
* binding property for the first argument. In order to process the
* inheritance tree later, we'll need to know where we got this
* definition from, so look up the specific defining object.
* If the initial binding property isn't defined, or its value is
* explicitly nil, the function isn't bound (or, in the case of nil,
* is explicitly unbound). Inheritance won't help in these cases, so
* we can immediately return nil to indicate that we don't have a
* binding.
if ((obj = orig.propDefined(prop, PropDefGetClass)) == nil
|| (binding = obj.(prop)) == nil)
return nil;
* If there are no more arguments, but we didn't just find a final
* function binding, we don't have enough arguments to match the
* current multi-method path. Return failure.
if (args.length() == 0 && dataType(binding) != TypeFuncPtr)
return nil;
* starting at our current defining object for the first argument,
* scan up its superclass tree until we find a binding
for (;;)
local ret;
/* if we have a function pointer, we've found our binding */
if (dataType(binding) == TypeFuncPtr)
return binding;
* Recursively bind the binding for the remaining arguments. If
* we find a binding, we're done - simply return it.
if ((ret = _multiMethodSelect(binding, args)) != nil)
return ret;
* We didn't find a binding for the remaining arguments, so we
* must have chosen too specific a binding for the first
* argument. Look for an inherited value of the binding property
* in the next superclass of the object where we found the last
* binding value.
obj = orig.propInherited(prop, orig, obj, PropDefGetClass);
if (obj == nil)
return nil;
/* we found an inherited value, so retrieve it from the superclass */
binding = obj.(prop);
* Select the INHERITED version of a multi-method. This takes a
* particular version of the multi-method, and finds the next version in
* inheritance order.
* This is basically a copy of _multiMethodSelect(), with a small amount
* of extra logic. This code repetition isn't good maintenance-wise, and
* the two functions could in principle be merged into one. However,
* doing so would have an efficiency cost to _multiMethodSelect(), which
* we want to keep as lean as possible.
_multiMethodInherit(fromFunc, prop, args)
return _multiMethodInheritMain(
new _MultiMethodInheritCtx(), fromFunc, prop, args);
class _MultiMethodInheritCtx: object
foundFromFunc = nil
_multiMethodInheritMain(ctx, fromFunc, prop, args)
local obj, binding;
* Get the first argument from the remaining arguments. If it's not
* an object, use the placeholder object for non-object parameter
* bindings.
local orig = args[1];
if (dataType(orig) not in (TypeObject, TypeList, TypeSString))
orig = _multiMethodNonObjectBindings;
/* get the remaining arguments */
args = args.sublist(2);
* Look up the initial binding - this is simply the value of the
* binding property for the first argument. In order to process the
* inheritance tree later, we'll need to know where we got this
* definition from, so look up the specific defining object.
* If the initial binding property isn't defined, or its value is
* explicitly nil, the function isn't bound (or, in the case of nil,
* is explicitly unbound). Inheritance won't help in these cases, so
* we can immediately return nil to indicate that we don't have a
* binding.
if ((obj = orig.propDefined(prop, PropDefGetClass)) == nil
|| (binding = obj.(prop)) == nil)
return nil;
* If there are no more arguments, but we didn't just find a final
* function binding, we don't have enough arguments to match the
* current multi-method path. Return failure.
if (args.length() == 0 && dataType(binding) != TypeFuncPtr)
return nil;
* starting at our current defining object for the first argument,
* scan up its superclass tree until we find a binding
for (;;)
/* we haven't found a function binding yet */
local ret = nil;
* we either have a function pointer, in which case it's the
* actual binding, or a property, in which case it's the next
* binding level
if (dataType(binding) == TypeFuncPtr)
/* this is the binding */
ret = binding;
/* if there are no more arguments, return failure */
if (args.length() == 0)
return nil;
* Recursively bind the binding for the remaining arguments.
* If we find a binding, we're done - simply return it.
ret = _multiMethodInheritMain(ctx, fromFunc, binding, args);
/* check to see if we found a binding */
if (ret != nil)
* We found a binding. If we've already found the inheriting
* version, return the first thing we find, since that's the
* next inheriting level. Otherwise, if this is the
* inheriting version, note that we've found it, but keep
* looking, since we want to find the next one after that.
* Otherwise, just keep looking, since we haven't even
* reached the overriding version yet.
if (ctx.foundFromFunc)
return ret;
else if (ret == fromFunc)
ctx.foundFromFunc = true;
* We didn't find a binding for the remaining arguments, so we
* must have chosen too specific a binding for the first
* argument. Look for an inherited value of the binding property
* in the next superclass of the object where we found the last
* binding value.
obj = orig.propInherited(prop, orig, obj, PropDefGetClass);
if (obj == nil)
return nil;
/* we found an inherited value, so retrieve it from the superclass */
binding = obj.(prop);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Unbound multi-method exception. This is thrown when a call to resolve
* a multi-method fails to find a binding, meaning that there's no
* definition of the method that matches the types of the arguments.
class UnboundMultiMethod: Exception
construct(func, args)
/* note the function name and argument list */
func_ = func;
args_ = args;
/* look up the function's name */
name_ = _multiMethodRegistry.funcNameTab_[func];
/* display an error message describing the exception */
"Unbound multi-method \"<<name_>>\" (<<args_.length()>> argument(s))";
/* the base function pointer */
func_ = nil
/* the symbol name of the base function */
name_ = ''
/* the number of arguments */
args_ = 0
class UnboundInheritedMultiMethod: UnboundMultiMethod
"No inherited multi-method for \"<<name_>>\" (<<args_.length()>>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Base class for our internal placeholder objects for argument list
* matching.
class _MultiMethodPlaceholder: object
* A placeholder object for bindings for non-object arguments. Whenever
* we have an actual argument value that's not an object, we'll look here
* for bindings for that parameter. When registering a function, we'll
* register a binding here for any parameter that doesn't have a type
* specification.
_multiMethodNonObjectBindings: _MultiMethodPlaceholder
* A placeholder object for end-of-list bindings. When we're matching an
* argument list, we'll use this to represent the end of the list so that
* we can match the "..." in any varargs functions in the multi-method
* set that we're matching against.
_multiMethodEndOfList: _MultiMethodPlaceholder
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Register a multi-method.
* The compiler automatically generates a call to this function during
* pre-initialization for each defined multi-method. 'baseFunc' is a
* pointer to the "base" function - this is a stub function that the
* compiler generates to refer to the whole collection of multi-methods
* with a given name. 'func' is the pointer to the specific multi-method
* we're registering; this is the actual function defined in the code
* with a given set of parameter types. 'params' is a list of the
* parameter type values; each parameter type in the list is given as a
* class object (meaning that the parameter matches that class), nil
* (meaning that the parameter matches ANY type of value), or the string
* '...' (meaning that this is a "varargs" function, and any number of
* additional parameters can be supplied at this point in the parameters;
* this is always the last parameter in the list if it's present).
_multiMethodRegister(baseFunc, func, params)
/* if there's no hash entry for the function yet, add one */
local tab = _multiMethodRegistry.funcTab_;
if (tab[baseFunc] == nil)
tab[baseFunc] = new Vector(10);
/* add the entry to the list of variants for this function */
tab[baseFunc].append([func, params]);
/* add the mapping from the function to the base function */
_multiMethodRegistry.baseFuncTab_[func] = baseFunc;
/* also add the function to the direct parameter table */
_multiMethodRegistry.funcParamTab_[func] = params;
* Build the method bindings. The compiler generates a call to this
* after all methods have been registered; we run through the list of
* registered methods and generate the binding properties in the
* referenced objects.
/* no errors yet */
local errs = [];
* build a lookup table that maps function pointers to symbol names,
* so we can look up our function names for diagnostic purposes
local nameTab = new LookupTable(128, 256);
t3GetGlobalSymbols().forEachAssoc(function(key, val)
/* if it's a function, store a value-to-name association */
if (dataType(val) == TypeFuncPtr)
nameTab[val] = key;
/* run through each entry in the method table */
_multiMethodRegistry.funcTab_.forEachAssoc(function(baseFunc, val)
/* look up the base function's name */
local name = nameTab[baseFunc];
/* add this to the saved name table */
_multiMethodRegistry.funcNameTab_[baseFunc] = name;
/* note the number of registered instances of this function */
local funcCnt = val.length();
* Assign the initial binding property for this function. This
* is the property that gives us the binding for the first
* variant argument. Each unique multi-method (which is defined
* as a multi-method with a given name and a given number of
* parameters) has a single initial binding property.
local initProp = t3AllocProp();
* store the binding starter information for the function - to
* find the binding on invocation, we'll need the initial binding
* property so that we can trace the argument list
_multiMethodRegistry.boundFuncTab_[baseFunc] = initProp;
/* build the argument binding tables */
for (local i = 1 ; i <= funcCnt ; i++)
/* get the function binding */
local func = val[i][1];
/* get the formal parameter type list for this function */
local params = val[i][2];
local paramCnt = params.length();
* If the last formal isn't a varargs placeholder, then we
* must explicitly find the end of the list in the actual
* parameters in order to match a call. To match the end of
* the list, add the special End-Of-List placeholder to the
* formals list.
* This isn't necessary when there's a varargs placeholder
* because the placeholder can match zero or more - so it
* doesn't matter where the list ends as long as we get to
* the varargs slot.
if (paramCnt == 0 || params[paramCnt] != '...')
params += _multiMethodEndOfList;
/* start at the initial binding property */
local prop = initProp;
/* run through the parameters and build the bindings */
for (local j = 1 ; j <= paramCnt ; j++)
/* get this parameter type */
local origTyp = params[j], typ = origTyp;
* If the type is nil, it means that this parameter slot
* can accept any type. So, map the slot to the generic
* Object type - this will catch everything, since we
* handle non-objects by mapping them to the
* _multiMethodNonObjectBindings placeholder object,
* which like all objects inherits from Object. This
* means we'll match argument values that are objects or
* non-objects, thus fulfilling our requirement to match
* all values.
* If the type is the string '...', it means that this is
* a varargs placeholder argument. In this case, we need
* to set up a match for the generic Object, in case we
* have one or more actual arguments for the varargs
* portion. This will also automatically match the case
* where we have no extra arguments, because in this case
* the matcher will try to match the End-Of-List
* placeholder object _multiMethodEndOfList, which (as
* above) inherits from Object and thus picks up the
* any-type binding.
* The one tricky bit is that when we have a parameter
* explicitly bound to Object, or an explicit End-Of-List
* flag object, we'll get an undesired side effect of
* this otherwise convenient arrangement: we'll
* effectively bind non-object types to the Object by
* virtue of the inheritance. To deal with this, we'll
* explicitly set the placeholders' binding to nil in
* this situation - this makes non-object types
* explicitly *not* bound to the function, overriding any
* binding we'd otherwise inherit from Object.
if (typ == nil || typ == '...')
typ = Object;
* Figure the binding.
* - If this is the last parameter, it's the end of the
* line, so bind directly to the function pointer.
* - If this isn't the variant parameter, the binding is
* the next binding property. At invocation, we'll
* continue on to the next argument value, evaluating
* this next property to get its binding in the context
* established by the current argument and property. The
* next binding property is specific to the current class
* in the current position, so we might already have
* assigned a property for it from another version of
* this function. Look it up, or create a new one if we
* haven't assigned it already.
local binding;
if (j == paramCnt)
/* end of the line - the binding is the actual function */
binding = func;
* if this type is already bound to a different
* definition for this function, we have a
* conflicting definition
if (typ.propDefined(prop, PropDefDirectly)
&& typ.(prop) != binding)
errs += [baseFunc, func, params, name];
/* check for an existing binding property here */
if (typ.propDefined(prop, PropDefDirectly))
/* we already have a forward binding here - use it */
binding = typ.(prop);
/* it's not defined here, so create a new property */
binding = t3AllocProp();
/* set the binding */
typ.(prop) = binding;
* As we mentioned above, if the original type is
* explicitly Object, we *don't* want to allow non-object
* types (int, true, nil, property pointers, etc) and
* End-Of-List placeholders to match - without some kind
* of explicit intervention here, the placeholders would
* match by inheritance because the placeholders are just
* objects themselves. To handle this properly, set the
* non-object placeholder bindings explicitly to nil.
if (origTyp == Object)
_MultiMethodPlaceholder.(prop) = nil;
* if there's another argument, this binding is the
* binding property for the next argument
prop = binding;
* If we're operating in static inheritance mode, cache the
* next-override information for inherited() calls. Since we're
* using static inheritance, we can figure this at startup and just
* look up the cached information whenever we need to perform an
* inherited() call.
_multiMethodRegistry.funcTab_.forEachAssoc(function(baseFunc, val)
/* get the binding property for the base function */
local prop = _multiMethodRegistry.boundFuncTab_[baseFunc];
/* run through the functions registered under this function name */
for (local i = 1 ; i <= val.length() ; i++)
/* get this function binding and the type list */
local func = val[i][1];
local params = val[i][2];
local paramCnt = params.length();
* Add the end-of-list marker if applicable. For a varargs
* function, add one generic Object parameter in place of the
* variable list - but we'll check later to make sure that
* any match we find is really varargs, since a varargs
* function can only inherit from another varargs function.
* (This is because, in order to actually invoke the
* inherited function from an overrider, the callee must be
* varargs to be able to handle varargs from the caller.)
local varargs = (paramCnt != 0 && params[paramCnt] == '...');
if (varargs)
params[paramCnt] = Object;
params += _multiMethodEndOfList;
/* look up the inherited version of the method */
local inh = _multiMethodInherit(func, prop, params);
/* varargs can only inherit from varargs */
if (inh != nil && varargs)
/* look up the inherited parameters */
local inhParams = _multiMethodRegistry.funcParamTab_[inh];
local inhParamCnt = inhParams.length();
/* make sure it's varargs, too */
if (inhParamCnt == 0 || inhParams[inhParamCnt] != '...')
inh = nil;
/* remember the inherited function */
_multiMethodRegistry.inhTab_[func] = inh;
/* we're done with the source bindings - discard them to save memory */
_multiMethodRegistry.funcTab_ = nil;
_multiMethodRegistry.funcParamTab_ = nil;
* Multi-method registry. This is where we keep the registry information
* that we build during initialization.
_multiMethodRegistry: object
/* table of registered functions, indexed by base function */
funcTab_ = static new LookupTable(128, 256)
/* table of function parameter lists, indexed by function */
funcParamTab_ = static new LookupTable(128, 256)
/* function name table */
funcNameTab_ = static new LookupTable(64, 128)
/* base function -> initial binding property */
boundFuncTab_ = static new LookupTable(64, 128)
/* function -> base function */
baseFuncTab_ = static new LookupTable(64, 128)
/* table of cached inherited() information, indexed by function */
inhTab_ = static new LookupTable(64, 128)
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1