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This module provides the run-time component of “multi-methods” in TADS

  1. This works with the compiler to implement a multiple-dispatch system.

Multi-methods are essentially a combination of regular object methods and “overloaded functions” in languages like C++. Like a regular object method, multi-methods are polymorphic: you can define several incarnations of the same function name, with different parameter types, the system picks the right binding for each invocation dynamically, based on the actual argument values at run-time. Unlike regular methods, though, the selection is made on ALL of the argument types, not just a special “self” argument. In that respect, multi-methods are like overloaded functions in C++; but multi-methods differ from C++ overloading in that the selection of which method to call is made dynamically at run-time, not at compile time.

There are two main uses for multi-methods.

First, most obviously, multi-methods provide what’s known as “multiple dispatch” semantics. There are some situations (actually, quite a few) where the ordinary Object Oriented notion of polymorphism - selecting a method based on a single target object - doesn’t quite do the trick, because what you really want to do is select a particular method based on the *combination* of objects involved in an operation. Some canonical examples are calculating intersections of shapes in a graphics program, where you want to select a specialized “Rectangle + Circle” routine in one case and a “Line + Polygon” routine in another; or performing file format conversions, where you want to select, say, a specialized “JPEG to PNG” routine. In an IF context, the obvious use is for carrying out multi-object verbs, where you might want a special routine for PUT (liquid) IN (vessel), and another for PUT (object) IN (container).

Second, multi-methods offer a way of extending a class without having to change the class’s source code. Since a multi-method is defined externally to any classes it refers to, you can create a method that’s polymorphic on class type - just like a regular method - but as a syntactically stand-alone function. This feature isn’t as important in TADS as in some other languages, since TADS lets you do essentially the same thing with the “modify” syntax; but for some purposes the multi-method approach might be preferable aesthetically, since it’s wholly external to the class rather than a sort of lexically separate continuation of the class’s code. (However, as a practical matter, it’s not all that different; our implementation of multi-methods does in fact modify the original class object, since we store the binding information in the class objects.)

Summary of Classes  

_MultiMethodInheritCtx _MultiMethodPlaceholder UnboundInheritedMultiMethod UnboundMultiMethod

Summary of Global Objects  

_multiMethodEndOfList _multiMethodNonObjectBindings _multiMethodRegistry

Summary of Global Functions  

_multiMethodBuildBindings _multiMethodCall _multiMethodCallInherited _multiMethodInherit _multiMethodInheritMain _multiMethodRegister _multiMethodSelect getMultiMethodPointer

Global Functions  

_multiMethodBuildBindings ( )


Build the method bindings. The compiler generates a call to this after all methods have been registered; we run through the list of registered methods and generate the binding properties in the referenced objects.

_multiMethodCall (baseFunc, args)


Invoke a multi-method function. For an expression of the form

f(a, b, …)

where ‘f’ has been declared as a multi-method, the compiler will actually generate code that invokes this function, like so:

_multiMethodCall(baseFunc, params);

‘baseFunc’ is a function pointer giving the base function; this is a pointer to the common stub function that the compiler generates to identify all of the multi-methods with a given name. ‘params’ is a list giving the actual parameter values for invoking the function.

Our job is to find the actual run-time binding for the function given the actual parameters, and invoke it.

_multiMethodCallInherited (fromFunc, [args])


Invoke the base multi-method inherited from the given multi-method. ‘fromFunc’ is a pointer to a multi-method, presumably the one currently running; we look up the next in line in inheritance order and invoke it with the given argument list.

_multiMethodInherit (fromFunc, prop, args)


Select the INHERITED version of a multi-method. This takes a particular version of the multi-method, and finds the next version in inheritance order.

This is basically a copy of _multiMethodSelect(), with a small amount of extra logic. This code repetition isn’t good maintenance-wise, and the two functions could in principle be merged into one. However, doing so would have an efficiency cost to _multiMethodSelect(), which we want to keep as lean as possible.

_multiMethodInheritMain (ctx, fromFunc, prop, args)


no description available

_multiMethodRegister (baseFunc, func, params)


Register a multi-method.

The compiler automatically generates a call to this function during pre-initialization for each defined multi-method. ‘baseFunc’ is a pointer to the “base” function - this is a stub function that the compiler generates to refer to the whole collection of multi-methods with a given name. ‘func’ is the pointer to the specific multi-method we’re registering; this is the actual function defined in the code with a given set of parameter types. ‘params’ is a list of the parameter type values; each parameter type in the list is given as a class object (meaning that the parameter matches that class), nil (meaning that the parameter matches ANY type of value), or the string ‘…’ (meaning that this is a “varargs” function, and any number of additional parameters can be supplied at this point in the parameters; this is always the last parameter in the list if it’s present).

_multiMethodSelect (prop, args)


Resolve a multi-method binding. This function takes a binding property ID (the property we assign during the registration process to generate the binding tables) and a “remaining” argument list. This function invokes itself recursively to traverse the arguments from left to right, so at each recursive invocation, we lop off the leftmost argument (the one we’re working on currently) and pass in the remaining arguments in the list.

We look up the binding property on the first argument in the remaining argument list. This can yield one of three things:

- The trivial result is nil, which means that this binding property has no definition on the first argument. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the whole function is undefined on the arguments; it only means that the current inheritance level we’re looking at for the previous argument(s) has no binding. If we get this result we simply return nil to tell the caller that it must look at an inherited binding for the previous argument.

- If the result is a function pointer, it’s the bound function. This is the final result for the recursion, so we simply return it.

- Otherwise, the result will be a new property ID, giving the property that resolves the binding for the *next* argument. In this case, we use this property to resolve the next argument in the list by a recursive invocation. If that recursive call succeeds (i.e., returns a non-nil value), we’re done - we simply return the recursive result as though it were our own. If it fails, it means that there’s no binding for the particular subclass we’re currently working on for the first argument - however, there could still be a binding for a parent class of the first argument. So, we iterate up to any inherited binding for the first argument, and if we find one, we try again with the same recursive call. We continue up our first argument’s class tree until we either find a binding (in which case we return it) or exhaust the class tree (in which case we return nil).

getMultiMethodPointer (baseFunc, [args])


Get a pointer to a resolved multi-method function. This takes a pointer to the base function for the multi-method and a list of actual argument values, and returns a function pointer to the specific version of the multi-method that would be invoked if you called the multi-method with that argument list.

For example, if you want to get a pointer to the function that would be called if you were to call foo(x, y, z), you’d use:

local func = getMultiMethodPointer(foo, x, y, z);

We return a pointer to the individual multi-method function that matches the argument list, or nil if there’s no matching multi-method.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1