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Getting What You Need

The first thing you need is the latest version of the TADS 3 authoring system. To use adv3Lite you need TADS 3.1.2 (or higher). If you have an earlier version of TADS 3 than version 3.1.2 please update to the latest version of TADS 3 now, before attempting to do anything else suggested in this book.

For a Windows system, you want the Windows authoring kit that comes with Windows Workbench. For Mac O/S X or Linux/Unix the recommended TADS authoring system is FrobTADS. Both of these can be downloaded from Even if you don’t have a Windows system, however, you might want to consider trying to run Windows Workbench under WINE, Parallels or Crossover (see, for example, the discussion about this on, since using Workbench gives you an integrated development environment (IDE) that makes many TADS 3 authoring tasks a whole lot easier, although I understand that running Workbench on a non-Windows system like this can be problematic. If you’re using a non-Windows system and you don’t want to use Workbench (or you can’t get it to work) you’ll also need to download a text editor for writing your code; Jim Aikin recommends TextWrangler for MacOS (it’s free).

The other thing you’ll need (obviously) is the adv3Lite library. The fact that you’re reading this probably means that you’ve obtained a copy of it already, but in case you haven’t (maybe you’re reading this on-line or on someone else’s machine), you can obtain the latest version either from or from the IF-Archive.

The adv3Lite library comes in a zip archive containing an adv3Lite folder/directory and a number of subfolders. A good place to unzip this into is the extensions folder/directory under the folder/directory in which you keep, or plan to keep, your TADS 3 game source code. On a Windows system this will typically be under My Documents\TADS 3; the TADS 3 author’s kit setup program should create both this folder and the extensions folder under it. On a non-Windows system you may need to create these directories manually yourself.

You should therefore end up with all the adv3Lite material in a folder somewhere like …\My Documents\extensions\adv3Lite (where … is the path to your My Documents folder or its equivalent on a non-Windows system). If you need to reinstall adv3Lite (for example, because you want to update to a newer version) I recommend that you first delete the existing extensions\adv3Lite folder/directory before unzipping the new adv3Lite folder to the same location; this should avoid any problems that might arise from remnants of an older version interfering with the newer version.

adv3Lite Library Tutorial
Table of Contents | Tools of the Trade > Getting What You Need
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