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Chapter 6 - Expanding the Horizons

Doors and Windows

If you’ve managed to follow this Guide so far, you should have grasped most of the basics of programming in TADS 3. In the present chapter we’ll look at more features of the library, but we’ll move on a bit more briskly, on the assumption that much of the code should start to be self-explanatory.

In order to make Heidi’s life more difficult, we’ll make it harder for her to get hold of the chair she needs to climb the tree. To do that, we simply need to supply the cottage with a locked front door and hide the key in some out-of-the-way place.

The first thing to realize is that doors in TADS 3 are normally two-sided. That is, they are generally represented not by one object, but by two, the two objects being the two sides of the door. At first sight this may seem something of an unnecessary complication, and it does require a little more work, but not as much more work as you might think. Provided the two sides of the door are properly set up, the library will take care of keeping them in sync (i.e. ensuring that one side is open or closed or locked or unlocked when the other is). It will also take care of making travel through one side of the door result in the traveler arriving in the location of the other side. One reason for doing it this way (i.e. with each side of the door represented by a separate object) is that it allows more flexibility; the two sides of a door often aren’t identical: they may, for example, be painted different colours, or they may use different locking mechanisms, say with one side requiring a key and the other using a paddle.

We’ll start by adding the outside of the front door (which should be contained in outsideCottage):


+ cottageDoor : LockableWithKey, Door ’door’ ’door’
  ”It’s a neat little door, painted green to match the window frame. ”
  keyList = [cottageKey]


To make the door work, we also need to change the in property of outsideCottage to read cottageDoor instead of insideCottage. As noted above, we also need to define the other side of the door:


+ cottageDoorInside : Lockable, Door -> cottageDoor ’door’ ’door’;

This needs to be located in insideCottage, and we need to change the out property of insideCottage to cottageDoorInside. The ->cottageDoor is a template shortcut for assigning cottageDoor to the masterObject property, which (a) keeps both sides of the door in sync (both open/closed and locked/unlocked) together, and (b) tells each door what its other side is (through code executed in the preinitialization routine, which we don’t need to worry about).

Note that we have defined the outside of the door as a LockableWithKey and the inside as simply Lockable; this reflects the way many house doors in fact behave (we don’t need a key to lock or unlock the front door from the inside). Note also that the order of the classes here is important: Lockable, LockableWithKey or IndirectLockable must come before Door in this kind of declaration, or else the lock won’t work. The short explanation for this is that Lockable, LockableWithKey and IndirectLockable are examples of mix-in classes (not derived from Thing) which must come before the any Thing-derived class with which they are combined.

Before this door will work, we have to define the key object. As a temporary measure (we’ll move it elsewhere later), we’ll do this with simply:


cottageKey : Key ’small brass key’ ’small brass key’ @outsideCottage;


Since Heidi’s now locked out of the cottage (or would be if the key was not so readily in reach), an obvious thing for her to try is looking through the window to see what’s inside. It’s probably a good thing to allow this, since if she can see that the chair is there it will make it all the more obvious that it’s worth going to look for the key.

The question is, how should this be implemented? We could just write a LookThrough routine that displayed a pre-programmed message, but that’s less than ideal, since the contents of the cottage could change as the player moves objects around. Writing a LookThrough routine that does the job properly is quite tricky, so for now we’ll attempt something a little less ambitious: a window through which whatever is on the other side is visible. We’ll return to a more sophisticated LookThrough later.

To create a window through which the contents of another location are visible, we need to use a SenseConnector, and locate it in the two rooms joined by the window:


cottageWindow : SenseConnector, Fixture ’window’ ’window’
  ”The cottage window has a freshly painted green frame. 
    The glass has been freshly cleaned. ”
   connectorMaterial = glass
  locationList = [outsideCottage, insideCottage]


Since SenseConnector is a MultiLoc (an object that exists in more than one location) we do not define its location property; instead we define its locationList to contain a list of the locations that contain the window, in this case the inside and outside of the cottage. The other important property to define here is connectorMaterial; the TADS 3 library defines a number of different materials that transmit the various senses in different ways. Glass is defined to be transparent to sight, but opaque to sound, smell and touch (the fact that real world glass may allow sound to pass need not concern us here, since in this case sight is the only sense we’re worried about). This means that from outside the cottage the player character will be able to see anything located inside, and from inside, the player character will be able to see anything left directly outside, but that Heidi will not be able to smell, hear or touch anything through the window.

If you compile and test the game now, you’ll find that this works, but that objects visible through the window are listed in a less than ideal fashion. There are several steps we can take to improve that. You’ll recall that we defined an initSpecialDesc on the chair. The first problem is that we’ll now see that initSpecialDesc when Heidi is standing just outside the cottage:


In front of a cottage
You stand just outside a cottage; the forest stretches east. A short path leads round the cottage to the northwest.


A plain wooden chair sits in the corner.


This description is plainly inappropriate when the chair is being viewed through the window from outside. What we want is a different type of initSpecialDesc that’s shown when the chair is viewed from a room other than the one in which it’s actually located; for that we use remoteInitSpecialDesc. Add the following to the definition of the chair object:


remoteInitSpecialDesc(actor) { ”Through the cottage window you can
   see a plain wooden chair sitting in the corner of the front room. ”; }


The actor parameter refers to the actor doing the looking, normally the player character. The parameter can be used to test where the chair is being viewed from; for example, if there were a second window looking into the room from the cottageGarden (we’ll be this garden adding later, though not the second window), your remoteInitSpecialDesc(actor) routine could test for actor.isIn(cottageGarden) and actor.isIn(outsideCottage) and provide different descriptions for the two cases. In this case this is unnecessary, however, since outsideRoom is the only remote location from which the chair can ever be viewed.

If you test the game now, you’ll find the window works okay with the chair, but is not so good with portable objects. For example, if you drop the key outside the cottage and then go inside, you’ll see the key listed as:


   In the in front of a cottage, you see a small brass key.


Similarly if you leave the key inside the cottage and then go back outside, you’ll find the key listed as:

In the inside cottage, you see a small brass key. 

The library provides two ways to fix this: (1) you can give a room an inRoomName, which is the name to be used when an item is listed as being in that room when viewed from another location; or (2) you can define a custom remoteRoomContentsLister which defines how portable items will be listed when viewed in a remote location. If you use method (1) you define inRoomName on the room that’s being viewed remotely; if you use method (2) you define the remoteRoomContentsLister on the room from which the remote viewing is taking place. In order to illustrate both methods we’ll use method (1) for looking in through the window from the outside, and method (2) for looking out through the window from the inside. This means that both methods need to be implemented on insideCottage:


insideCottage : Room ’Inside Cottage’
  ”The front parlour of the little cottage looks impeccably neat. 
  The door out is to the east. ”    
  out = cottageDoorInside
  east asExit(out)
  inRoomName(pov) { return ’inside the cottage’; }
     return new CustomRoomLister(‘Through the window, {you/he} see{s}’, 
           ’ lying on the ground.’);


The pov parameter (in inRoomName) represents the point of view, and could be used to give a room different names depending on where it was being viewed from (e.g. on a long stretch of road you might want a particular stretch of road named as ‘on the road to the south’ when the pov is north of it and ‘on the road to the north’ when the pov is to the south of it). The other parameter of remoteRoomContentsLister is the other location that’s being viewed from here, which would allow you to vary the lister according to which room’s contents was being described; in this case the only other location visible from insideCottage is outsideCottage, so it’s not necessary to make use of this parameter. The two parameters supplied to new CustomRoomLister are the prefix and suffix strings. This will result in message like:

Through the window, you see a small brass key lying on the ground. 

Similarly, if the key is left inside the cottage, then from the outside you’d see:

Inside the cottage, you see a small brass key. 

Both of these messages are substantial improvements over what we had before. We have still not implemented a response to explicitly looking through the window, but since this is rather trickier, we’ll leave it till later.

Getting Started in TADS 3
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