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What’s in a Name?

Once the charcoal burner has revealed his name, we want three things to happen. First, we want his short name (the one that’s displayed in room descriptions) to change from ‘the charcoal burner’ to ‘Joe Black’; second we want the program to treat the name as a proper name, so we don’t get messages like ‘The Joe Black is holding a spade’ or ‘You see a Joe Black here’; and third, we want the parser to recognize joe, joe black or black as referring to Joe. The first two steps are straightforward. The third is a little more complicated.

To carry out the first two steps we simply need to execute:

isProperName = true; 
name = properName; 

You might think that you could achieve the third by adding ‘Joe Black’ to the burner’s vocabWords property somehow, but it’s not quite that easy. What we actually need to do is to add them to the game’s dictionary. To add a word to the dictionary we need to call cmdDict.addWord(obj, word, &wordtype) where obj is the object we want this word to apply to, and wordtype is the type of word it is (adjective or noun). Moreover, we can’t simply add the contents of the properName property into the dictionary - it must be added word by word (token by token), not as a complete phrase. Fortunately the library provides a means of extracting the individual tokens from a string; we need to use Tokenizer.tokenize(properName), which returns a list of tokens. Assuming we assign this list to a local variable tokList, we can get at the parsed token at position i (in a form suitable for adding to the dictionary) by calling getTokVal(tokList[i]). But just when you thought it was getting far too complicated to follow, there’s another complication. Logically, all proper names are nouns, so we should add them to the dictionary as nouns. But if we add them all to the dictionary as nouns the parser will recognize joe or black as referring to Joe, but not joe black, since it firmly believes that a noun phrase should only contain one noun. It will thus accept joe and black as alternatives, but not both together. There is an extremely fiendish way of getting round this by defining another Grammar Production, but that’s way beyond the scope of this Getting Started guide, so we’ll settle for a hack instead, and that is to add every name but the last into the library as an adjective as well as a noun (which means that the parser will quite happily recognize joe black even though it does so on the erroneous basis of believing that joe is an adjective qualifying black - if one can talk about the beliefs of a parser).

Since finding out an actor’s name some way through a game is a situation that could arise quite often, it makes sense to make all this happen as a modification of the Actor class (which will then work for everything of class Actor or one of is subclasses) rather than something specific to the burner object. The appropriate code then looks like this:


modify Actor
    if(isProperName == nil && properName != nil) 
      isProperName = true;
      name = properName;
      local tokList = Tokenizer.tokenize(properName);
      for (local i = 1, local cnt = tokList.length() ; i <= cnt ; ++i)
        if(i < cnt)
          cmdDict.addWord(self, getTokVal(tokList[i]), &adjective);
        cmdDict.addWord(self, getTokVal(tokList[i]), &noun);

The purpose of the check if(isProperName == nil && properName != nil) is to stop the makeProper method doing anything either if the actor has already been defined as having a proper name (perhaps through a previous call to makeProper) or if the actor has no properName property defined.

Apart from cmdDict.addWord(), the only thing that might be really unfamiliar here is the for loop towards the end of the makeProper method. If you didn’t read about it in chapter 1 (or you did but you’ve now forgotten exactly how it works), now might be a good time to refer back to p. 26 to see how it works.

You should copy the above code into your source file (perhaps near the top after the definition of the endGame function) and check that it works. And then I’ll confess that all along there was a somewhat simpler way we could have achieved almost the same effect without either that complicated for loop or cmdDict.addWord. Instead we could have replaced all the code after name = properName; (apart from the necessary closing braces) with initializeVocabWith(properName);, and it would have worked just as well. The only difference is that ‘joe’ would have been entered into the dictionary only as an adjective, and not also as a noun, but in practice that almost certainly doesn’t matter. You may want to test this out.

But you can’t test it out just yet: for either method to actually do anything in our program we need to call it somewhere. We can do this by simply adding <<burner.makeProper>>  in the response string of AskTopic @burner, perhaps just after <.convnode burner-mud>.

There’s just one more job we need to do before we can leave Joe Black. As things stand at the moment, if the player asks Joe about himself a second time, he’ll still introduce himself the same way, which we obviously don’t want. We could fix this by using a EventList, since although <<burner.makeProper>> won’t work inside a single-quoted string, we can get round this by using a function within the EventList; but rather than introduce that complication right now, we’ll simply use another AltTopic. Since the burner’s isProperName property is nil before he introduces himself and true afterwards (thanks to <<burner.makeProper>>), we can use burner.isProperName as the test in the isActive property of the AltTopic. The AskTopic and AltTopic then look like this:


++ AskTopic @burner
   ”<q>My name’s Heidi.</q> you announce. <q>What’s yours?</q><.p>
   <q><<burner.properName>>,</q> he replies, <q>Mind you, it’ll soon be 
    mud.</q> <.convnode burner-mud><<burner.makeProper>>”

+++ AltTopic, StopEventList
   ’<q>Have you been a charcoal burner long?</q> you ask.<.p>
   <q>About ten years.</q> he replies. ’,
   ’<q>Do you like being a charcoal burner?</q> you wonder, <q>It seems
   rather messy!</q><.p>
   <q>It\s better than being cooped up in some office or factory all day,
   at any rate.</q> he tells you. ’,
   ’<q>What do you do when you\re not burning charcoal?</q> you 
   <q>Oh – this and that.</q> he shrugs. ’
  isActive = (burner.isProperName)


One further refinement you could add, which I’ll leave as an optional exercise for the reader, is to add SuggestedAskTopic to the class list of each of the main topic entries in the burnerTalking state. If you do that you’ll need to add a name property to each of the AskTopic definitions, perhaps name = ’the smoke’, name = ’the fire’, name = ’the ring’ and name = ’himself’ as appropriate. The player can then use the topics command to see what topics Joe is likely to respond to.


Another optional exercise you might like to try is expanding the range of topics to which Joe will respond meaningfully. You can do this with a mix of AskTopics, TellTopics, AskTellTopics, GiveTopics, ShowTopics and GiveShowTopics as the mood takes you. You might also want to replace the DefaultAskTellTopic with a separate DefaultAskTopic and DefaultTellTopic. You’re not restricted to having Joe talk about objects defined in the game. If, for example, you think he should have an opinion on Oxford Blue (a type of cheese), you could define an Oxford Blue topic using the Topic class:

tOxfordBlue: Topic 'oxford blue/cheese'; 

The Topic class can be used for any concrete or abstract topic not otherwise represented in the game. Unlike game objects (i.e. those derived from Thing, which Topic isn’t), all Topics start out known to the player character unless you define otherwise, which means that Heidi doesn’t actually have to have encountered any Oxford Blue cheese in the game in order to ask Joe about it. Incidentally, there’s nothing magic about the t at the start of the object name here (tOxfordBlue), it’s just a convention I use to distinguish Topics from other types of object.

One further feature you may want to try out is the <.reveal> tag, which you can use to keep track of what’s already been said. This works by keeping track of a list of arbitrary strings (or ‘keys’) that have been revealed, either through the gReveal() macro, for example gReveal(‘foo’), or through a <.reveal foo> tag inserted into a string (either single-quoted or double-quoted). You can then test whether the key has been revealed using gRevealed(), e.g. in a declaration like isActive = gRevealed(‘foo’) on an AskTopic. For example, at the end of Joe’s reply to Heidi’s question on Oxford Blue cheese, you might append a <.reveal oxford-blue> tag so that other AskTopics or AltTopics can test whether this part of the conversation has taken place.

At this point you might like to experiment with increasing Joe’s conversational range before moving on to the next chapter. If you want to be particularly adventurous, after trying out a few AskTopics and TellTopics, you could try adding some AltTopics and maybe even the odd extra ConvNode or two, complete with some more SpecialTopics.


Our game has now reached a point at which, barring full testing, adding in more decoration objects and the like, it could be regarded as complete. It can be played through from start to finish, our NPC provides a reasonably good explanation of the plot (well, the bit about the magpie may be a bit far-fetched, but if Rossini can get away with it I don’t see why we shouldn’t), and there’s a reasonable closure when the Heidi hands the ring over to poor old Joe. As a tutorial game, we could simply leave it there, even though it’s never going to win any prizes in IF competitions. In the following chapters, however, we’ll complicate things for Heidi by putting more obstacles between her and the ring, not because this will transform the game into a marvellous one (that would require a miracle), but because it will provide a convenient vehicle for introducing some further features of TADS 3.

Getting Started in TADS 3
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