
source file




notify all PostUndoObject instances

Summary of Classes  

FileOpAction ImplicitConversationAction MiscConvAction

Summary of Global Objects  

About Again AskAbout AskAboutImplicit AskFor AskForImplicit Attach AttachTo Attack AttackWith Board Break Brief Burn BurnWith Clean CleanWith Climb ClimbDown ClimbDownVague ClimbUp ClimbUpVague Close ConsultAbout ConsultWhatAbout Continue Credits Cut CutWith Detach DetachFrom Dig DigWith Doff DoNothing Drink Drop Eat Enter EnterOn Examine ExamineOrGoTo Exits ExitsColour ExitsMode Extinguish ExtraHints Fasten FastenTo Feel Flip Follow FullScore GetOff GetOut GetOutOf GiveTo GiveToImplicit Go GoAlong GoBack GoIn Goodbye GoOut GoThrough GoTo Hello Hints HintsOff Inventory InventoryTall InventoryWide Jump JumpOff JumpOffIntransitive JumpOver Kiss Lie LieIn LieOn Light Listen ListenTo Lock LockWith Look LookBehind LookIn LookThrough LookUnder Move MoveTo MoveWith Notify NotifyOff NotifyOn noTopicObj Open PlugIn PlugInto Pour PourInto PourOnto Pull Push PushTravelClimbDown PushTravelClimbUp PushTravelDir PushTravelEnter PushTravelGetOutOf PushTravelThrough PutBehind PutIn PutOn PutUnder Query QueryAbout QueryVague Quit Read Record RecordEvents RecordEventsString RecordOff RecordString Remove Replay ReplayString Restart Restore RestoreString Save SaveString SayAction SayNo SayTo SayYes Score Screw ScrewWith ScriptOff ScriptOn scriptStatus ScriptString Search Set SetTo ShowTo ShowToImplicit Sit SitIn SitOn Sleep Smell SmellSomething Stand StandIn StandOn Strike SwitchOff SwitchOn SwitchVague Take TakeFrom TalkAbout TalkAboutImplicit TalkTo Taste TellAbout TellAboutImplicit TellTo Think ThinkAbout Throw ThrowAt ThrowDir ThrowTo Topics Travel TravelVia Turn TurnTo TurnWith Type TypeOn TypeOnVague Undo Unfasten UnfastenFrom Unlock UnlockWith Unplug UnplugFrom Unscrew UnscrewWith VagueTravel Verbose Version Wait Wear Write WriteOn Yell yesTopicObj

Summary of Global Functions  

putAllScope sayNoExitLister sayNotTalking

Global Functions  

putAllScope (iobj, slist)


Return a suitable list of direct objects for a PUT ALL PREP XXX command, where iobj is the indirect object of the command and slist is the full scopelist for the action.

Ideally we want to return a list of all the objects that can be put in iobj, namely all the objects in scope that are portable and not already in iobj, and not the iobj. But if no objects fit the bill we have to fall back on first, all portable objects in scope and, failing that, all objects in scope except the room and the actor.

sayNoExitLister ( )


no description available

sayNotTalking ( )


no description available

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 15/03/2023 from adv3Lite version 1.6.1