A topic database entry. Actors and actor state objects store topic databases; a topic database is essentially a set of these entries.
A TopicEntry can go directly inside an Actor, in which case it’s part of the actor’s global set of topics; or, it can go inside an ActorState, in which case it’s part of the state’s database and is only active when the state is active; or, it can go inside a TopicGroup, which is a set of topics with a common controlling condition; or, it can go inside a ConvNode, in which case it’s in effect only when the conversation node is active.
Each entry is a relationship between a topic, which is something that can come up in an ASK or TELL action, and a handling for the topic. In addition, each entry determines what kind or kinds of actions it responds to.
Note that TopicEntry objects are *not* simulation objects. Rather, these are abstract objects; they can be associated with simulation objects via the matching mechanism, but these are separate from the actual simulation objects. The reason for this separation is that a given simulation object might have many different response - the response could vary according to who’s being asked the question, who’s asking, and what else is happening in the game.
An entry decides for itself if it matches a topic. By default, an entry can match based on either a simulation object, which we’ll match to anything in the topic’s “in scope” or “likely” match lists, or based on a regular expression string, which we’ll match to the actual topic text entered in the player’s command.
An entry can decide how strongly it matches a topic. The database will choose the strongest match when multiple entries match the same topic. The strength of the match is given by a numeric score; the higher the score, the stronger the match. The match strength makes it easy to specify a hierarchy of topics from specific to general, so that we provide general responses to general topic areas, but can still respond to particular topics areas more specifically. For example, we might want to provide a specific match to the FROBNOZ SPELL object, talking about that particular magic spell, but provide a generic ‘.* spell’ pattern to response to questions about any old spell. We’d give the generic pattern a lower score, so that the specific FROBNOZ SPELL response would win when it matches, but we’d fall back on the generic pattern in other cases.
: object
Superclass Tree (in declaration order)
` object`
Subclass Tree
Global Objects
Summary of Properties
Summary of Methods
The number of times this topic or any nested AltTopic has been invoked by the player. Each time the player asks/tells/etc about this topic OR any of its AltTopic children, we’ll increment this count.
our list of AltTopic children
Do we imply a greeting? By default, all conversational topics imply a greeting. We separate this out so that the implied greeting can be controlled independently of whether or not we’re actually conversational, if desired.
The set of database lists we’re part of. This is a list of property pointers, giving the TopicDatabase properties of the lists we participate in.
Is this topic active? This can be used to control how an actor can respond without have to worry about adding and removing topics manually at key events, or storing the topics in state objects. Sometimes, it’s easier to just put a topic entry in the actor’s database from the start, and test some condition dynamically when the topic is actually queried. To do this, override this method to test the condition that determines when the topic entry should become active. We’ll never show the topic’s response when isActive returns nil. By default, we simply return true to indicate that the topic entry is active.
Flag: we are a “conversational” topic. This is true by default. When this is set to nil, a ConversationReadyState will NOT show its greeting and will not enter its InConversationState to show this topic entry’s response.
This should be set to nil when the topic entry’s response is non-conversational, in which case a greeting would be undesirable. This is appropriate for responses like “You don’t think he’d want to talk about that”, where the response indicates that the player character didn’t even ask a question (or whatever).
My matching simulation object or objects. This can be either a single object or a list of objects.
Our match strength score. By default, we’ll use a score of 100, which is just an arbitrary base score.
The number of times this topic has invoked by the player. Each time the player asks/tells/etc about this topic, we’ll increment this count.
check the group isActive status (for AltTopics nested within)
get the topic group score adjustment (for AltTopics nested within)
Our response. This is displayed when we’re the topic entry selected to handle an ASK or TELL. Each topic entry must override this to show our response text (or, alternatively, an entry can override handleTopic so that it doesn’t call this property).
addAltTopic (entry)
Add an AltTopic entry. This is called by our AltTopic children during initialization; we’ll simply add the entry to our list of AltTopic children.
addSuggestedTopic (t)
Add a suggested topic. A suggested topic can be nested within a topic entry; doing this associates the suggested topic with the topic entry, and automatically associates the suggested topic with the entry’s actor or actor state.
addTopic (entry)
add a topic nested within us
adjustScore (score)
Adjust my score value for any hierarchical adjustments. We’ll add the score adjustment for each enclosing object.
anyAltIsActive ( )
Check to see if any alternative in the alternative group is active. This returns true if we’re active or if any of our nested AltTopics is active.
breakTopicTie (matchList, topic, fromActor, toks)
Break a tie among matching topics entries. The topic database searcher calls this on each matching topic entry when it finds multiple entries tied for first place, based on their match scores. This gives the entries a chance to figure out which one is actually the best match for the input, given the other entries that also matched.
This method returns a TopicEntry object - one of the objects from the match list - if it has an opinion as to which one should take precedence. It returns nil if it doesn’t know or doesn’t care. Returning nil gives the other topics in the match list a chance to make the selection. If all of the objects in the list return nil, the topic database searcher simply picks one of the topic matches arbitrarily.
‘matchList’ is the list of tied TopicEntry objects. ‘topic’ is the ResolvedTopic object from the parser, representing the player’s input phrase that we’re matching. ‘fromActor’ is the actor performing the command. ‘toks’ is a list of strings giving the word tokens of the noun phrase.
The topic database searcher calls this method for each matching topic entry in the case of a tie, and simply accepts the opinion of the first one that expresses an opinion by returning a non-nil value. There’s no voting; whoever happens to get *and use* the first say also gets the last word. We expect that this won’t be a problem in practice: when this comes up at all, it’s because there are a couple of closely related topic entries that are active in a particular context, and you need a special bit of tweaking to pick the right one for a given input phrase. Simply pick one of the involved entries and define this method there.
checkIsActive ( )
Determine if this topic is active. This checks the isActive property, and also takes into account our relationship to alternative entries for the topic. Generally, you should *define* (override) isActive, and *call* this method.
// deferToEntry (other)
Interface description
Check to see if we want to defer to the given topic from an inferior topic database. By default, we never defer to a topic from an inferior database: we choose a matching topic from the top database in the hierarchy where we find a match.
The database hierarchy, for most purposes, starts with the ConvNode at the highest level, then the ActorState, then the Actor. We search those databases, in that order, and we take the first match we find. By default, if there’s another match in a lower-level database, it doesn’t matter what its matchScore is: we always pick the one from the highest-level database where we find a match. You can override this method to change this behavior.
We don’t actually define this method here, because the presence of the method is significant. If the method isn’t defined at all, we won’t bother looking for a possible deferral, saving the trouble of searching the other databases in the hierarchy.
getActor ( )
Get the actor associated with the topic, if any. By default, we’ll return our enclosing database’s topic owner, if it’s an actor - in almost all cases, if there’s any actor associated with a topic, it’s simply the owner of the database containing the topic.
getTopicOwner ( )
the owner of any AltTopic nested within me is the same as my own topic owner, which we take from our location
handleTopic (fromActor, topic)
Handle the topic. This is called when we find that this is the best topic entry for the current topic.
By default, we’ll do one of two things:
- If ‘self’ inherits from Script, then we’ll simply invoke our doScript() method. This makes it especially easy to set up a topic entry that shows a series of responses: just add EventList or one of its subclasses to the base class list when defining the topic, and define the eventList property as a list of string responses. For example:
- TopicEntry, StopEventList @blackBook
[’<q>What makes you think I know anything about it?</q>
he says, his voice shaking. ‘,
‘<q>No! You can\t make me tell you!</q> he wails. ‘,
‘<q>All right, fine! I\ll tell you, but I warn you,
this is knowledge mortal men were never meant to know.</q> ‘,
// and so on
- Otherwise, we’ll call our topicResponse property, which should simply be a double-quoted string to display. This is the simplest way to define a topic with just one response.
Note that ‘topic’ will vary by subclass, depending on the type of command used with the topic type. For example, for ASK and TELL commands, ‘topic’ is a ResolvedTopic object; for GIVE and SHOW, it’s a simulation object (i.e., generally a Thing subclass).
initializeTopicEntry ( )
Initialize. If we have a location property, we’ll assume that the location is a topic database object, and we’ll add ourselves to that database.
// isMatchPossible (actor, scopeList)
description only
Check to see if a match to this topic entry is *possible* right now for the given actor. For most subclasses, this is inherently imprecise, because the ‘match’ function simply isn’t reversible in general: to know if we can be matched, we’d have to determine if there’s a non-empty set of possible inputs that can match us. This method is complementary to matchTopic(), so subclasses must override with a corresponding implementation.
‘actor’ is the actor to whom we’re making the suggestion. ‘scopeList’ is the list of objects that are in scope for the actor.
The library only uses this to determine if a suggestion should be offered. So, specialized topic instances with non-standard match rules don’t have to worry about this unless they’re used as suggestions, or unless the game itself needs this information for some other reason.
// matchTopic (fromActor, topic)
description only
Match a topic. This is abstract in this base class; it must be defined by each concrete subclass. This returns nil if there’s no match, or an integer value if there’s a match. The higher the number’s value, the stronger the match.
This is abstract in the base class because the meaning of ‘topic’ varies by subclass, according to which type of command it’s used with. For example, in ASK and TELL commands, ‘topic’ is a ResolvedTopic describing the topic in the player’s command; for GIVE and SHOW commands, it’s the resolved simulation object.
noteAltInvocation (fromActor, alt)
Note that something in our entire alternative group has been invoked. We count as a member of our own group, so this is invoked when we’re invoked; this is also invoked when any AltTopic child of ours is invoked.
noteInvocation (fromActor)
note that we’ve been invoked
setTopicPronouns (fromActor, topic)
Set pronouns for the topic, if possible. If the topic corresponds to a game-world object, then we should set the pronoun antecedent to the game object. This must be handled per subclass because of the range of possible meanings of ‘topic’.
TADS 3 Library Manual
Generated on 5/16/2013 from TADS version 3.1.3