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Adv3Lite Manual Index

< - < A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y {



<<exclude obj>> (Room Descriptions)
<<is list of lst>> (Room Descriptions)
<<list of lst is>> (Room Descriptions)
<<list of lst>> (Room Descriptions)
<<mention a obj>> (Room Descriptions)
<<mention the obj>> (Room Descriptions)
<.activate key> (NPC Overview)
<.agenda item> (NPC Overview)
<.agenda item> (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
<.arouse key> (NPC Overview)
<.arouse key> (The Conditions Under Which Topics are Suggested)
<.constayt> (Examples)
<.convnode key> (NPC Overview)
<.convnode key> (Conversation Nodes)
<.convnodet key> (NPC Overview)
<.convodet node> (Examples)
<.convstay> (NPC Overview)
<.convstay> (Conversation Nodes)
<.convstayt> (NPC Overview)
<.deactivate key> (NPC Overview)
<.inform tag> (NPC Overview)
<.inform> (Knowledge of Facts)
<.known obj> (NPC Overview)
<.known obj> (Knowledge of Existence in Conversation)
<.remove item> (NPC Overview)
<.remove item> (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
<.reveal tag> (NPC Overview)
<.reveal> (Knowledge of Facts)
<.state actorstate> (NPC Overview)
<.suggest key> (NPC Overview)
<.suggest all> (Other Ways of Suggesting Topics)
<.suggest key> (Other Ways of Suggesting Topics)
<.sugkey key> (NPC Overview)
<.sugkey another-key> (TopicEntries that Suggest Other Topics)
<.sugkey nil> (TopicEntries that Suggest Other Topics)
<.topics> (NPC Overview)
<.topics> (Other Ways of Suggesting Topics)
<.unreveal> (Knowledge of Facts)


-D TADS_INCLUDE_NET (Porting an existing game)
-lib adv3Lite (Porting an existing game)
-lib adv3LiteWeb (Porting an existing game)
-lib webui (Porting an existing game)
-lib webui -source tadsnet (Porting an existing game)
-source tadsnet (Porting an existing game)
-x (Porting an existing game)


A Taxonomy of Actions (Overview)
abcName(action, role) (Basic Properties)
Achievement (Scoring)
action (VerbRules)
action (Defining What a Doer Does)
action (Synonyms for Existing Actions)
Action (Action Results)
Action Cycle in Brief (Overview)
Action Results
actionPhrase() (CommandTopics)
activated (activated and deactivate())
Actions with Three Objects (Defining New Actions)
activated (The Conditions Under Which Topics are Suggested)
activated and deactivate() (The ActorTopicEntry Class)
activatePendingAgenda() (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
activateState(actor, oldState) (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
active (CustomMessages Objects)
actor (Defining What a Doer Does)
Actor Object
Actor States
Actor-Specific and General Tags (String Tags and Object Tags)
Actor-Specific Properties (The Actor Object)
actor.t: (Optional Modules)
actorAction() (Reacting to Actions)
actorAction() (Reacting to Actions)
actorAfterAction() (Thing-like Properties)
actorAfterTravel(traveler, connector) (Thing-like Properties)
actorBeforeAction() (Thing-like Properties)
actorBeforeTravel(traveler, connector) (Thing-like Properties)
ActorByeTopic (Saying Goodbye)
ActorByeTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
ActorHelloTopic (Saying Hello)
ActorHelloTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
actorInformOverheard (Knowledge of Facts)
actorInStagingLocation (Pre-conditions)
actorOutOfNested (Pre-conditions)
actorRemoteSpecialDesc() (Thing-like Properties)
actorSay() (NPC-Initiated Conversation)
actorSay() (Actor-Specific and General Tags)
actorSay(txt) (Actor-Specific Properties)
actorSayFollowing(oldLoc) (Actor-Specific Properties)
actorSayFollowing(oldLoc) (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
actorSayHello() (Saying Hello)
ActorTopicEntry (The ActorTopicEntry Class)
ActorTopicEntry Class
actualLockList (Keys)
Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists (NPC-Initiated Conversation)
Additional Debugging Resources (Debugging Commands)
addToAgenda(item) (Defining AgendaItems)
addToAgenda(item) (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
addToAllAgendas(item) (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
addToBothAgendas(item) (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
addToCurAgendas(item) (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
addToLocations() (Moving MultiLocs)
addToPendingAgenda(item) (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
addToScore(points, desc) (Scoring)
addToScoreOnce(points) (Scoring)
addVocab(voc) (Manipulating vocab at run-time)
addVocabWord(word, matchFlags (Manipulating vocab at run-time)
adv3Liter (Which Optional Modules Do You Need?)
Adv3LiteWeb usage tips (The Web UI)
affinityFor(obj) (BagOfHolding)
afterAction (Scenes)
afterAction() (Reacting to Actions)
afterAction() (Thing-like Properties)
afterTravel(traveler connector (Reacting to Travel)
afterTravel(traveler, connector) (Reacting to Travel)
afterTravel(traveler, connector) (Thing-like Properties)
againRepeatsParse (The gameMain Object)
agendaOrder (Defining AgendaItems)
ALL (Defining New TActions)
allContents (Containment Properties and Methods)
allowableAttachments (Attachables)
allowableAttachments (Attachables)
allowAction (CommandTopics)
allowAll (Defining New TActions)
allowCompassDirections (Direction Properties)
allowDarkTravel (Other Room Properties and Methods)
allowDecimal (Settables and Dials)
allowDetach (Attachables)
allowImplicitSay() (Controlling Implicit Say)
allowOtherActorToTake(obj) (Actor-Specific Properties)
allowOtherToMoveWhileAttached (Attachables)
allowReachOut(obj) (Reaching In and Out)
allowShipboardDirections (Direction Properties)
allRequiredVerbsDisclosed (Instructions)
allVerbsAllowAll (The gameMain Object)
alreadyTalkingMsg (Saying Hello)
AltTopic (The ActorTopicEntry Class)
AltTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
ambiguouslyPlural (Basic Properties)
An Alternative Way to Set Up a New Game (Starting Out — A Minimal Game Definition)
aName (Basic Properties)
andList(lst) (List-Related Functions)
announceMultiAction (Defining New TActions)
answerMissing(cmd, np) (VerbRules)
arrivingDesc (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
arrivingDesc (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
arrivingTurn() (Actor-Specific Properties)
arrivingTurn() (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
asDobjFor(action) (Remap)
asExit (Direction Properties)
asIobjFor(action) (Remap)
AskAboutForTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
askForDobj(action) (Action)
askForIobj(action) (Action)
AskForTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
askMatchObj (Special Topics)
AskTalkTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
AskTellGiveShowTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
AskTellShowTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
AskTellTalkTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
AskTellTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
AskTellTopic (Basic Ask/Tell)
AskTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
AskTopic (Basic Ask/Tell)
atSingleNoun (Defining TIActions)
Attachable (Attachables)
Attachable (Attachables)
AttachableComponent (Attachables)
attachables.t: (Optional Modules)
attachedLocation (Attachables)
attachedTo (Attachables)
attachedToList (Attachables)
attachmentLister (Customizing Listers)
attachments() (Attachables)
attachTo(other) (Attachables)
Attacking, Touching and Kissing (The Actor Object)
attackResponseMsg (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)
attentionSpan (Actor-Specific Properties)
attentionSpan (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
AudioLink (The Communications Link Special)
authorEmail (The versionInfo Object)
autoGetOutToReach (Reaching In and Out)
autoGoTo (The SenseRegion class)
autoImplicitSay (Controlling Implicit Say)
autoName (Special Topics)
autoName (Defining a Room)
autoName (Suggesting Conversational Topics)
autoSwitchAgain (The gameMain Object)
autoTakeOnFindHidden (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
autoUnlock (Pre-conditions)
autoUnlock (Behavioural Properties)
autoUnlock (Doors)
avoidMatching(top) (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)


badness (Defining TIActions)
BagOfHolding (Gadgets)
Basic Ask/Tell
Basic Properties (Things)
Bed (Postures)
beforeAction (Scenes)
beforeAction() (Reacting to Actions)
beforeAction() (Thing-like Properties)
beforeMovePushable(connector, dir) (Pushing and Pulling Things Around)
beforeRunsBeforeCheck (The gameMain Object)
beforeTravel(traveler, connector) (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
beforeTravel(traveler, connector) (Reacting to Travel)
beforeTravel(traveler, connector) (Thing-like Properties)
Behavioural Properties (Things)
Behind (Defining containment type with the contType property)
beta-testers (Additional Debugging Resources)
blockEndConv (Examples)
BMsg() (Messages)
BMsg() (DMsg() and BMsg())
Body Parts (Help for New Players)
bodyParts (Body Parts)
Booth (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
BoredByeTopic (Saying Goodbye)
BoredByeTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
Building the same game both ways (The Web UI)
buildList(lst) (Listers)
Built-In Debugging Commands (Debugging Commands)
bulk (Bulk and BulkCapacity)
Bulk and BulkCapacity (Things)
bulkCapacity (Bulk and BulkCapacity)
Button (Buttons and Levers)
Buttons and Levers (Gadgets)
ByeTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
ByeTopic (Saying Goodbye)
byline (The versionInfo Object)


cachedRoute (routeFinder and pcRouteFinder)
callInherited(cl, prop, [args]) (Object)
canCatchThrown(obj) (Actor-Specific Properties)
cancel() (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
canEndConversation(reason) (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
canEndConversation(reason) (Deciding Whether a Conversation Can End)
canEndConversation(reason) (Actor-Specific Properties)
canEndConversation(reason) (Examples)
canHear(a, b) (The Q Object)
canHearAcross (The SenseRegion class)
canHearInFrom(loc) (The SenseRegion class)
canHearOutTo(loc) (The SenseRegion class)
canLieOnMe (Pseudo-Postural Properties)
cannotGoThatWay(dir) (Other Room Properties and Methods)
cannotGoThatWayInDark(dir) (Other Room Properties and Methods)
cannotGoThatWayInDarkMsg (Other Room Properties and Methods)
cannotGoThatWayMsg (Other Room Properties and Methods)
cannotReachOutMsg(target) (Specials and the touchObj PreCondition: Customizing Failure Messages)
cannotReachTargetMsg(target) (Specials and the touchObj PreCondition: Customizing Failure Messages)
cannotTakeMsg (Settables and Dials)
canonicalizeSetting(val) (Settables and Dials)
canPullTravel (Pushing and Pulling Things Around)
canPushTravel (Pushing and Pulling Things Around)
canPutBehindMe (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
canPutInMe (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
canPutUnderMe (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
canReach(a, b) (The Q Object)
canSee(a, b) (The Q Object)
canSeeAcross (The SenseRegion class)
canSeeInFrom(loc) (The SenseRegion class)
canSeeOutTo(loc) (The SenseRegion class)
canSitOnMe (Pseudo-Postural Properties)
canSmell(a, b) (The Q Object)
canSmellAcross (The SenseRegion class)
canSmellInFrom(loc) (The SenseRegion class)
canSmellOutTo(loc) (The SenseRegion class)
canStandOnMe (Pseudo-Postural Properties)
canTalkAcross (The SenseRegion class)
canTalkTo(other) (Actor-Specific Properties)
canThrowAcross (The SenseRegion class)
canTravelerPass(traveler) (TravelConnectors)
canTravelerPass(traveler, connector) (TravelBarriers)
captureOutput(func, [args]) (Some Output Issues)
Carrier (Defining containment type with the contType property)
ceaseCheckingErrorLevel (The playerHelper object)
ceiling (Room Parts)
Chair (Postures)
changeToState (Switching ActorState)
changeToState (Saying Hello)
changeToState (Saying Goodbye)
Changing the Definition of Scope (Scope)
Changing the Player Character
Check (Action Results)
checkAttackMsg (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)
checkFeelMsg (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)
checkKissMsg (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)
checkReach(actor) (Reaching In and Out)
checkReachIn(actor, target?) (Reaching In and Out)
Choosing between the regular UI and the Web UI (The Web UI)
clear() (Vector)
Closed Containers as Quasi-Rooms (Rooms and Regions)
closeWhenAchieved (Extra Hints)
closeWhenExamined (Extra Hints)
closeWhenKnown (Extra Hints)
closeWhenMoved (Extra Hints)
closeWhenRevealed (Extra Hints)
closeWhenSeen (Extra Hints)
closeWhenTrue (Extra Hints)
Collective (Extensions)
collectiveActions (Other Miscellaneous Classes)
CollectiveGroup (Other Miscellaneous Classes)
collectiveGroups (Other Miscellaneous Classes)
Command Help (Extensions)
CommandTopic (Giving Orders to NPCs)
CommandTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
CommandTopic (CommandTopics)
CommandTopics (Giving Orders to NPCs)
commentPrefix (StringPreParser)
commentPreParser (StringPreParser)
commLink (The Communications Link Special)
Communications Link Special (Querying the World Model)
Component (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
Conditional Responses (Basic Ask/Tell)
Conditions Under Which Topics are Suggested (Suggesting Conversational Topics)
Conjugations and Tenses (Messages)
connectorList (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
connectorList (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
connectTo(other, video?) (The Communications Link Special)
Consultable (Topic Entries)
ConsultTopic (Topic Entries)
Container (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
ContainerDoor (Other Miscellaneous Classes)
containerOpen (Pre-conditions)
Containment Model (Things)
Containment Properties (Things)
Containment Properties and Methods (Things)
contents (Containment Properties and Methods)
contentsListedInExamine (Determining What’s Listed)
contentsListedInLook (Room Descriptions)
contentsListedInLook (Determining What’s Listed)
contentsListedInSearch (Determining What’s Listed)
contentsListedProp (ItemLister)
Controlling Implicit Say
contSpace (The SenseRegion class)
contType (Defining containment type with the contType property)
ConvAgendaItem (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
ConvAgendaItem (NPC-Initiated Conversation)
Conversation Nodes
conversationAbbr (Instructions)
ConversationLullReason (Defining a ConvAgendaItem to work with a DefaultAgendaTopic)
conversationVerbs (Instructions)
conversedLastTurn (Actor-Specific Properties)
conversedThisTurn (Actor-Specific Properties)
convKeys (Topic Groups)
convKeys (The ActorTopicEntry Class)
Core and Optional Modules
Core Modules (Core and Optional Modules)
createIterator() (Object)
createLiveIterator(): (Object)
Creating a new Web UI game from scratch (The Web UI)
crueltyLevel (Instructions)
curiosityAroused (The Conditions Under Which Topics are Suggested)
curiositySatisfied (The Conditions Under Which Topics are Suggested)
curNodeIdx() (Using the ConvNode Class)
curNodeKey() (Using the ConvNode Class)
curNodeObj() (Using the ConvNode Class)
current interlocutor (Actor-Specific and General Tags)
currentDestination (routeFinder and pcRouteFinder)
curSetting (Settables and Dials)
curState (Actor-Specific Properties)
Customizing Listers (Lists and Listers)
CustomMessages Objects (Messages)
CustomRoomLister (Types of Lister)
CustomRoomLister (Room Descriptions)
customVerbs (Instructions)
CustomVocab (Messages)
CyclicEventList (EventList)


Daemon (Events)
dangerous (Verify)
darkDesc (Other Room Properties and Methods)
darkName (Other Room Properties and Methods)
deactivate() (activated and deactivate())
deactivateState(actor, newState) (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
DEBUG (Built-In Debugging Commands)
DEBUG ACTIONS (Built-In Debugging Commands)
DEBUG DOERS (Built-In Debugging Commands)
DEBUG MESSAGES (Built-In Debugging Commands)
DEBUG OFF (Built-In Debugging Commands)
DEBUG SPELLING (Built-In Debugging Commands)
DEBUG STATUS (Built-In Debugging Commands)
DEBUG STOP (Built-In Debugging Commands)
Debugging Commands
Debugging with Workbench on Windows (The Web UI)
Deciding Whether a Conversation Can End (Hello and Goodbye)
Decoration (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
Default Action (Overview)
Default Responses (Basic Ask/Tell)
DefaultAgendaTopic (NPC-Initiated Conversation)
DefaultAgendaTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultAgendaTopic (Overview)
DefaultAnyNonSayTopic (Controlling Implicit Say)
DefaultAnyTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultAskForTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultAskQueryTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultAskTellTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultAskTellTopic (Default Responses)
DefaultAskTopic (Default Responses)
DefaultAskTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultCommandTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultCommandTopic (Giving Orders to NPCs)
DefaultConsultTopic (Topic Entries)
DefaultConversationTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
defaultCountsAsSay (Controlling Implicit Say)
DefaultGiveShowTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultGiveTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
defaultGround (The Floor of a Room)
DefaultNonSayTopic (Controlling Implicit Say)
DefaultQueryTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultSayQueryTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
defaultSayResponse (Controlling Implicit Say)
DefaultSayTellTalkTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultSayTellTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultSayTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultShowTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultTalkTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultTellTalkTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultTellTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultTellTopic (Default Responses)
DefaultTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
DefaultTopicReason (Defining a ConvAgendaItem to work with a DefaultAgendaTopic)
DefineIAction(action-name) (Defining New IActions)
DefineNumericAction (Numeric Actions)
DefineTAction(action-name) (Defining New TActions)
DefineTIAction(action-name) (Defining TIActions)
Defining a ConvAgendaItem to work with a DefaultAgendaTopic (NPC-Initiated Conversation)
Defining a DefaultAgendaTopic (NPC-Initiated Conversation)
Defining a MultiLoc (MultiLocs)
Defining a Room (Rooms and Regions)
Defining AgendaItems (AgendaItems)
Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties (Actor States)
Defining containment type with the contType property (Things)
Defining New Actions
Defining New Debugging Commands (Debugging Commands)
Defining New IActions (Defining New Actions)
Defining New LiteralActions and LiteralTActions (Literal Actions)
Defining New TActions (Defining New Actions)
Defining New TopicActions and TopicTActions (Topic Actions)
Defining the Player Character (Beginnings)
Defining TIActions (Defining New Actions)
Defining What a Doer Does (Doers)
Defining when a Doer is active (Doers)
DelayedAgendaItem (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
delFirst() (String)
delLast() (String)
desc (Defining a Room)
desc (Basic Properties)
desc (Thing-like Properties)
desc (The versionInfo Object)
descContentsLister (Types of Lister)
describePushTravel(via) (Pushing and Pulling Things Around)
destination (TravelConnectors)
destination (Doors)
destination (Go To with Enterable, Distant and ProxyDest)
detachedLocation (Attachables)
detachFrom(other) (Attachables)
Determining What’s Listed (Room Descriptions)
Dial (Settables and Dials)
Different Types of ActorTopicEntry (The ActorTopicEntry Class)
direction (Matching a Command)
Direction Properties (Rooms and Regions)
directions (Matching a Command)
Directions (Rooms and Regions)
disambigMatchPhrases (Phrase Matching)
disambigName (Basic Properties)
disconnect() (The Communications Link Special)
disconnectFrom(other) (The Communications Link Special)
discover() (Sensory Properties)
display() (Menus)
Distant (Go To with Enterable, Distant and ProxyDest)
Distant (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
DMsg() (Messages)
DMsg() (DMsg() and BMsg())
DMsg() and BMsg() (Messages)
dobj (Defining What a Doer Does)
dobjFor (Action Results)
dobjReply, iobjReply, accReply (VerbRules)
Doer template (Matching a Command)
doInstead() (Action)
doInstead() (Defining What a Doer Does)
Don’t use \<TAB\> (The Web UI)
Don’t use the Banner API (The Web UI)
doNested() (Action)
dontChainNotifications (Reacting to Travel)
doParsing() (StringPreParser)
doScript() (EventList)
dropItemsBehind (Containment Properties and Methods)
dropItemsUnder (Containment Properties and Methods)
dropLocation (Reaching In and Out)
dummy (Message Substitution Parameters)
during (Matching Special Conditions)
Dynamic Region (Extensions)
dynamicSpecials (The Q Object)


eachTurn (Scenes)
element(i) (List)
enableImplicitSay (Controlling Implicit Say)
endConvActor (Deciding Whether a Conversation Can End)
endConvActor (Actor-Specific Properties)
endConvBoredom (Actor-Specific Properties)
endConvBoredom (Deciding Whether a Conversation Can End)
endConvBye (Actor-Specific Properties)
endConvBye (Deciding Whether a Conversation Can End)
endConversation(reason) (Actor-Specific Properties)
endConversation(endConvActor) (Saying Goodbye)
endConverstion(reason) (Deciding Whether a Conversation Can End)
endConvLeave (Deciding Whether a Conversation Can End)
endConvLeave (Actor-Specific Properties)
endedAt (Scenes)
endsWhen (Scenes)
Enterable (Go To with Enterable, Distant and ProxyDest)
Enterable (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
errorCheckInterval (The playerHelper object)
errorThreshold (The playerHelper object)
EVAL (Built-In Debugging Commands)
eventList (EventList)
eventList (Topic Entries)
eventList.t: (Optional Modules)
eventOrder (Events)
eventPercent (EventList)
eventReduceAfter (EventList)
eventReduceTo (EventList)
events.t: (Optional Modules)
examined (Basic Properties)
examineListed (Determining What’s Listed)
examineLister (Customizing Listers)
examineStatus() (Generating Lists)
Examples (Conversation Nodes)
exceptions (Defining a MultiLoc)
exceptions (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
exec(curCmd) (Defining What a Doer Does)
execAction(cmd) (Defining New IActions)
execAction(curCmd (Defining What a Doer Does)
execTravel(actor, traveler, conn) (TravelConnectors)
exit (Reacting to Actions)
exitLocation (Containment Properties and Methods)
exits.t: (Optional Modules)
explainTravelBarrier(traveler) (TravelConnectors)
explainTravelBarrier(traveler, connector) (TravelBarriers)
Explanation (Message Substitution Parameters)
Extra Hints (Hints)
extraHintStyleTag (Extra Hints)
extraReport(msg) (Action)
extras.t (Optional Modules)
extraScopeItems (Regions)
extraScopeItems (Other Room Properties and Methods)


failedActionCountsAsTurn (Verify)
familiar (Basic Properties)
familiar (The Knowledge Model)
familiar (Knowledge of Existence in Conversation)
familiar (Regions)
familiar (Pathfinding in SenseRegions)
familiar (The Knowledge Model)
fastGoTo (The gameMain Object)
fastGoTo (Regions)
fastGoTo (The GO TO and CONTINUE commands)
feelDesc (Sensory Properties)
feelDesc (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)
FIAT LUX (Built-In Debugging Commands)
filterResolveList() (Things)
filterResolveList(np, cmd, mode) (Basic Properties)
find(ele) (List)
find(ele) (Vector)
findHiddenBehind() (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
findHiddenDest (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
findHiddenIn() (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
findHiddenUnder() (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
Finding Message IDs (Messages)
findMatchingTopic(voc, cls = Topic) (Functions)
finishGameMsg(msg, [extra]) (Endings)
finishOptionAmusing (Endings)
finishOptionCredits (Endings)
finishOptionFullScore (Endings)
finishOptionScore (Endings)
finishOptionsLister (Types of Lister)
finishOptionUndo (Endings)
firstChar() (String)
firstCheckAfter (The playerHelper object)
firstCheckCriterion() (The playerHelper object)
firstCheckMsg (The playerHelper object)
firstEvents (EventList)
Fixture (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
Flashlight (Other Miscellaneous Classes)
Floor (The Floor of a Room)
Floor of a Room (Rooms and Regions)
floorObj (The Floor of a Room)
fluidName (Miscellaneous Properties)
FollowAgendaItem (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
Food (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
Footnotes (Extensions)
forEach(func) (Object)
forSingleNoun (Defining TIActions)
fromSingleNoun (Defining TIActions)
ftDeath (Endings)
ftFailure (Endings)
ftGameOver (Endings)
ftVictory (Endings)
Fueled Light Source (Extensions)
Full support for Javascript, CSS, and HTML DOM. (The Web UI)
Functions (Utility Functions)
Further Listing Options (Room Descriptions)
Fuse (Events)
futileToAttackMsg (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)
futileToKissMsg (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)


gAction (Global Action Variables)
gActionIs(action) (Reacting to Actions)
gActionListObj (Report)
gActionListStr (Report)
gActor (Global Action Variables)
gadget.t: (Optional Modules)
gameMain Object (Beginnings)
gameMain.paraBrksBtwnSubcontents (Further Listing Options)
gameMain.useParentheticalListing (Further Listing Options)
gCommand (Global Action Variables)
gCommandToks (Other Useful Action Macros)
gDobj (Reacting to Actions)
gDobj (Global Action Variables)
Generating Lists (Lists and Listers)
genList(lst, conj) (List-Related Functions)
getActor (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
getActor() (Defining AgendaItems)
getActor() (Methods and Properties of ActorTopicEntry)
getAll(cmd, role) (Defining New TActions)
getBestMatch (Working with TopicActions and TopicTActions)
getDirection(conn) (Other Room Properties and Methods)
getFacets (Basic Properties)
getOutermostRoom (Containment Properties and Methods)
getOutToJump (Basic Properties)
getTop() (Vector)
getTopicText (Working with TopicActions and TopicTActions)
gInformed(key) (Knowledge of Facts)
gIobj (Reacting to Actions)
gIobj (Global Action Variables)
GiveShowTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
GiveTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
Giving Orders to NPCs
gLiteral (Global Action Variables)
gLiteral (Working with LiteralActions and LiteralTActions)
Global Action Variables (Overview)
globalParamName (Basic Properties)
globalParamName (Thing-like Properties)
gLocation (Global Action Variables)
gMessageParams() (Message Substitution Parameters)
gNumber (Numeric Actions)
gNumber (Global Action Variables)
Go (Defining What a Doer Does)
GO TO and CONTINUE commands (Pathfinding)
Go To with Enterable, Distant and ProxyDest (Pathfinding)
Goal (Standard Hints)
Goal (Standard Hints)
goInstead() (Defining What a Doer Does)
GONEAR (Built-In Debugging Commands)
goNested() (Defining What a Doer Does)
gPlayerChar (Changing the Player Character)
grammar (Defining TIActions)
greetingDisplayed (ConvAgendaItem)
gReveal(tag) (Knowledge of Facts)
gRevealed(tag) (Knowledge of Facts)
gRoom (Global Action Variables)
groupSort(func) (Vector)
gSetKnown() (The Knowledge Model)
gSetKnown(obj) (Knowledge of Existence in Conversation)
gSetSeen() (The Knowledge Model)
gTentativeDobj (Verify)
gTentativeDobjIn (Verify)
gTentativeIobj (Verify)
gTentativeIobjIn (Verify)
gTopic (Working with TopicActions and TopicTActions)
gTopic (Global Action Variables)
gTopicMatch (Working with TopicActions and TopicTActions)
gTopicText (Working with TopicActions and TopicTActions)
gUnreveal(tag) (Knowledge of Facts)
gVerifyDobj (Verify)
gVerifyIobj (Verify)
gVerbPhrase (Other Useful Action Macros)
gVerbWord (Other Useful Action Macros)


handleAction (Defining What a Doer Does)
handleAction (Defining What a Doer Does)
handleCommand() method (Giving Orders to NPCs)
hasBeentraversedBy(traveler) (TravelConnectors)
hasHappened (Scenes)
hasSeen() (The Knowledge Model)
heading (Menus)
Heavy (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
Hello and Goodbye
HelloGoodbyeTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
HelloTopic (Saying Hello)
HelloTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
Help (The helpMessage object)
Help for New Players
helpMessage object (Help for New Players)
hiddenBehind (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
hiddenIn (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
hiddenUnder (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties (Things)
hideFromAll(action) (Miscellaneous Properties)
hideFromAll(action) (Defining New TActions)
highlightUnvisitedExits (Exits)
Hint (Standard Hints)
hintDelay (Extra Hints)
HintLongTopicItem (Standard Hints)
HintMenu (Standard Hints)
hintsys.t: (Optional Modules)
hintText (Extra Hints)
HitTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
HitTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
How the Library Matches ResolvedTopics to Topic Entries (Topic Actions)
howEnded (Scenes)
HTML markup (Some Output Issues)
htmlByline (The versionInfo Object)
htmlDesc (The versionInfo Object)
htmlSay(txt) (Some Output Issues)
hyperlinkSuggestions (Suggesting Conversational Topics)


IAction (A Taxonomy of Actions)
IFID (The versionInfo Object)
illogical(msg): (Verify)
illogicalNow() (Verify)
illogicalNow(msg) (Verify)
illogicalSelf(msg): (Verify)
Immovable (Other Miscellaneous Classes)
ImpByeTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
ImpByeTopic (Saying Goodbye)
ImpHelloTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
implausible(msg) (Verify)
Implicit Actions
implicitActionReports (Reporting Implicit Actions)
ImplicitHelloTopic (Saying Hello)
impliesGreeting (Methods and Properties of ActorTopicEntry)
In (Defining containment type with the contType property)
inaccessible(msg): (Verify)
includeSayInName (SayTopic)
includeTakeFromPutAll (property of MinorItem)
Including the adv3Lite library (Starting Out — A Minimal Game Definition)
inDarkDesc (Sensory Properties)
informedAbout(tag) (Actor-Specific Properties)
informedAbout(key) (Knowledge of Facts)
informOverheard (Knowledge of Facts)
Inheriting vocab (Things)
Initializing a MultiLoc’s Location (MultiLocs)
initialLocationClass (Initializing a MultiLoc’s Location)
initiallyActive (Defining AgendaItems)
initiallyAttached (Attachables)
initialPlayerChar (The gameMain Object)
InitiateConversationReason (Defining a ConvAgendaItem to work with a DefaultAgendaTopic)
InitiateTopic (NPC-Initiated Conversation)
InitiateTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
InitObject (Notes)
initSpecialDesc (Basic Properties)
inLight(a) (The Q Object)
input(x) (Use inputManager methods for input)
inputManager (Use inputManager methods for input)
inputManager (Some Input Issues)
inRoomName(pov) (Remote Descriptions)
inSingleNoun (Defining TIActions)
interiorDesc (Closed Containers as Quasi-Rooms)
Intrinsic Class Extensions (Utility Functions)
Intro (The helpMessage object)
intruct.t (Optional Modules)
inventoryLister (Types of Lister)
invokedByActor (ConvAgendaItem)
invokedByActor (Defining AgendaItems)
invokedByActor (Defining a ConvAgendaItem to work with a DefaultAgendaTopic)
invokeItem() (Defining AgendaItems)
invokeItem() (Defining AgendaItems)
iobj (Defining What a Doer Does)
iobjFor (Action Results)
iobjReply (Defining TIActions)
irregularPlurals (CustomVocab)
isActive (Specials)
isActive (The Conditions Under Which Topics are Suggested)
isActive (Topic Entries)
isActive (StringPreParser)
isActive (Topic Groups)
isAttachedTo(obj) (Attachables)
isAttachedToMe(obj) (Attachables)
isAttackable (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)
isAttackable (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
isAudibleFrom(pov) (Remote Sensing)
isBoardable (Behavioural Properties)
isConnectedTo(obj) (The Communications Link Special)
isConnectorApparent (TravelConnectors)
isConnectorListed (TravelConnectors)
isConversational (Methods and Properties of ActorTopicEntry)
isConversational (Property of Action)
isDecoration (Behavioural Properties)
isDestinationKnown (TravelConnectors)
isDirectlyIn(loc) (The location of a MultiLoc)
isDirectlyIn(obj) (Containment Properties and Methods)
isDone (Defining AgendaItems)
isDone (Defining AgendaItems)
isEdible (Behavioural Properties)
isEmpty() (Vector)
isEmptyStr(str) (Functions)
isEnterable (Behavioural Properties)
isFeelable (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)
isFeelable (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
isFirmAttachment (Attachables)
isFixed (Basic Properties)
isFixed (Thing-like Properties)
isHappening (Scenes)
isHer (Thing-like Properties)
isHidden (Sensory Properties)
isHim (Thing-like Properties)
isIlluminated() (Other Room Properties and Methods)
isIn(loc) (The location of a MultiLoc)
isIn(obj) (Containment Properties and Methods)
isIn(other) (Regions)
isIn(region) (Other Room Properties and Methods)
isInitiallyIn(obj) (Initializing a MultiLoc’s Location)
isInitState (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
isInitState = true (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
isKissable (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
isKissable (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)
isLightable (Behavioural Properties)
isListed (Basic Properties)
isListSubset(a, b) (Functions)
isLit (Behavioural Properties)
isLocked (Doors)
isLocked (Behavioural Properties)
isOn (Behavioural Properties)
isOpen (Behavioural Properties)
isOpenable (Behavioural Properties)
isOrIsIn(obj) (Containment Properties and Methods)
isOrIsIn(other) (Regions)
isPlayerChar (Changing the Player Character)
isProminentNoise (Sensory Properties)
isProminentSmell (Sensory Properties)
isPulled (Buttons and Levers)
isReadableFrom(pov) (Remote Sensing)
isReady (Defining AgendaItems)
isReady (Defining AgendaItems)
isSmellableFrom(pov) (Remote Sensing)
isSwitchable (Behavioural Properties)
isTransparent (Sensory Properties)
isVehicle (Basic Properties)
isVisibleFrom(pov) (Remote Sensing)
isWearable (Behavioural Properties)
ItemLister (Lists and Listers)


Keeping Track of Time (Scenes)
keyDoesntFitMsg (Keys)
KeyedContainer (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
keyList (The keyList property)
keyList property (Keys)
keyTopics (TopicEntries that Suggest Other Topics)
kissResponseMsg (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)
KissTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
KissTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
Knowledge Model (Player Character and NPC Knowledge)
Knowledge of Existence in Conversation (Player Character and NPC Knowledge)
Knowledge of Facts (Player Character and NPC Knowledge)
known (Basic Properties)
knownLockList (Keys)
knownProp (The Knowledge Model)
knowsAbout() (The Knowledge Model)


lastChar() (String)
lastConvTime (Actor-Specific Properties)
lastSeenAt (Basic Properties)
LeaveByeTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
LeaveByeTopic (Saying Goodbye)
left(n) (String)
Lever (Buttons and Levers)
lieOnScore (Pseudo-Postural Properties)
List (Utility Functions)
List-Related Functions (Lists and Listers)
listableContents (Containment Properties and Methods)
listableContents (Room Descriptions)
listContents() (Generating Lists)
listed(obj) (Listers)
listenDesc (Sensory Properties)
Listers (Lists and Listers)
listName(o) (ItemLister)
listOrder (Room Descriptions)
listOrder (Miscellaneous Properties)
listOrder (Suggesting Conversational Topics)
listOrder(obj) (Listers)
listRecursively (ItemLister)
listRemoteContents(lst, lister, pov) (Generating Lists)
Lists and (Messages)
Lists and Listers
listSubcontentsOf(contList, lister) (Generating Lists)
Literal Actions
LiteralAction (Literal Actions)
LiteralAction (A Taxonomy of Actions)
literalAobj ()
literalDobj (Defining New LiteralActions and LiteralTActions)
LiteralObject (Matching a Command)
LiteralTAction (A Taxonomy of Actions)
LiteralTAction (Literal Actions)
litWithin() (Other Room Properties and Methods)
Local single-machine (stand-alone) testing (The Web UI)
location (The location of a MultiLoc)
location (Thing-like Properties)
location (Test Scripts)
location of a MultiLoc (MultiLocs)
locationList (Defining a MultiLoc)
lockability (Behavioural Properties)
LockableContainer (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
locType (Defining containment type with the contType property)
locType (Attachables)
logical (Verify)
logicalRank(n) (Verify)
lookContentsLister (Types of Lister)
lookInLister (Types of Lister)
lookListed (Determining What’s Listed)
lookListed (Room Descriptions)
lookLister (Types of Lister)


makeCountedPlural(str, num) (List-Related Functions)
makeListStr(lst, nameProp?, conjunction?) (Lists and)
makeListStr(objList, nameProp = &aName, conjunction = ‘and’) (List-Related Functions)
makeLocked(stat) (Doors)
makeMentioned(obj) (Functions)
makeOpen(stat) (Doors)
makePulled(stat) (Buttons and Levers)
makePushed (Buttons and Levers)
makeSetting(val) (Settables and Dials)
Manipulating vocab at run-time (Things)
mapAll(func) (Object)
massNoun (Basic Properties)
masterObject (EventList)
matchDobj (CommandTopics)
matches (filterResolveList())
matchExactCase (Topic Entries)
matchGreetings (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
Matching a Command (Doers)
Matching Special Conditions (Doers)
matchIobj (CommandTopics)
matchName(toks) (Basic Properties)
matchObj (CommandTopics)
matchObj (Topic Entries)
matchPattern (Topic Entries)
matchPhrases (Phrase Matching)
matchPhrasesExcludes (Phrase Matching)
matchProto(proto) (List)
matchPullOnly (Pushing and Pulling Things Around)
matchPushOnly (Pushing and Pulling Things Around)
matchScore (Topic Entries)
maxAttachedTo (Attachables)
maxBulkHiddenBehind (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
maxBulkHiddenIn (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
maxBulkHiddenUnder (The hiddenUnder, hiddenBehind and hiddenIn Properties)
maxNestingDepth (Types of Lister)
maxScore() (The gameMain Object)
maxSetting (Settables and Dials)
maxSingleBulk (Bulk and BulkCapacity)
mentioned (Room Descriptions)
menucon.t: (Optional Modules)
menuContents (Menus)
MenuItems (Menus)
MenuLongTopicItems (Menus)
menusys.t (Optional Modules)
MenuTopicItems (Menus)
mergeDuplicates(lst) (List-Related Functions)
Message Substitution Parameters (Messages)
messages (CustomMessages Objects)
method (CustomRoomLister)
Methods and Properties of ActorTopicEntry (The ActorTopicEntry Class)
MinorItem (Other Miscellaneous Classes)
minSetting (Settables and Dials)
Miscellaneous Properties (Things)
missingQ (VerbRules)
missingQ (Synonyms for Existing Actions)
missingRole (Defining TIActions)
missingRole (VerbRules)
MobileCollectiveGroup (Extensions)
modify (Synonyms for Existing Actions)
more (Use inputManager methods for input)
moved (Basic Properties)
moveInto(loc) (Moving MultiLocs)
moveIntoAdd(loc) (Moving MultiLocs)
moveOutOf(loc) (Moving MultiLocs)
Moving MultiLocs (MultiLocs)
multiPluggable (Attachables)
Multiuser gaming. (The Web UI)
myAction (CommandTopics)
myInventoryLister (Customizing Listers)
myLookBehindLister (Customizing Listers)
myLookInLister (Customizing Listers)
myLookUnderLister (Customizing Listers)
myOpeningContentsLister (Customizing Listers)
myWornLister (Customizing Listers)


name (Basic Properties)
name (The versionInfo Object)
NearbyAttachable (Attachables)
needsExplicitSocket (PlugAttachable)
newbie.t (Optional Modules)
nextConnector (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
nextConnNum (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
nextDirection (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
nilToList(val) (Functions)
nodeActive (Topic Groups)
nodeActive() (Methods and Properties of ActorTopicEntry)
nodeActive() (Conversation Nodes)
NodeContinuationTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
NodeContinuationTopic (Conversation Nodes)
NodeContinuationTopic (Examples)
NodeEndCheck (Examples)
NodeEndCheck (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
noGoodbyeResponseMsg (Saying Goodbye)
noHelloResponseMsg (Saying Hello)
Noise (Sensory Emanation Classes)
non-Workbench (Porting an existing game)
nonObvious (Verify)
noResponse (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
noScriptAfterListen (Other Room Properties and Methods) not (Core Modules)
notAPlausibleKeyMsg (Keys)
noteArrival() (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
Notes (Beginnings)
noteTraversal(actor) (TravelConnectors)
notHereMsg (Other Miscellaneous Classes)
NoTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
NPC Overview
NPC-Initiated Conversation
num (Numeric Actions)
NumberedDial (Settables and Dials)
Numeric Actions
NumericAction (A Taxonomy of Actions)
NumericAction (Numeric Actions)
numericDobj (Numeric Actions)
NumericTAction (A Taxonomy of Actions)
NumericTAction (Numeric Actions)


obj (filterResolveList())
objAudible (Pre-conditions)
objClosed (Pre-conditions)
objDetached (Pre-conditions)
Object (Utility Functions)
Object scope (Object Scope and Topic Scope)
Object Scope and Topic Scope (Scope)
Objective Time (Extensions)
objHeld (Pre-conditions)
objInPrep (Miscellaneous Properties)
objNotWorn (Pre-conditions)
objSmellable (Pre-conditions)
objUnlocked (Pre-conditions)
objVisible (Pre-conditions)
Odor (Sensory Emanation Classes)
offerHelp (The playerHelper object)
On (Defining containment type with the contType property)
OneTimePromptDaemon (Events)
onSingleNoun (Defining TIActions)
OpenableContainer (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
opened (Basic Properties)
openingContentsLister (Types of Lister)
openStatusReportable (Types of Lister)
openWhen (Extra Hints)
openWhenAchieved (Extra Hints)
openWhenAchieved = achievement (Standard Hints)
openWhenExamined (Extra Hints)
openWhenExamined = obj (Standard Hints)
openWhenKnown (Extra Hints)
openWhenKnown = obj (Standard Hints)
openWhenMoved (Extra Hints)
openWhenMoved = obj (Standard Hints)
openWhenRevealed (Extra Hints)
openWhenRevealed = ‘key’ (Standard Hints)
openWhenSeen (Extra Hints)
openWhenSeen = obj (Standard Hints)
openWhenTrue (Extra Hints)
openWhenTrue = condition (Standard Hints)
Optional Modules (Core and Optional Modules)
orList(lst) (List-Related Functions)
Other Kinds of AgendaItem (AgendaItems)
Other Miscellaneous Classes (Extras)
Other Room Properties and Methods (Rooms and Regions)
Other Useful Action Macros (Overview)
Other Ways of Suggesting Topics (Suggesting Conversational Topics)
otherSide (Doors)
otherSide (Doors)
OutdoorRoom (Room Parts)
outOfSingleNoun (Defining TIActions)
Outside (Defining containment type with the contType property)
overlapsWith(lst) (List)
Overview (NPC-Initiated Conversation)
owner (Basic Properties)
ownerNamed (Basic Properties)
ownsContents (Basic Properties)


paraBrksBtwnSubcontents (Further Listing Options)
paraBrksBtwnSubcontents (The gameMain Object)
Parameter (Message Substitution Parameters)
ParseErrorQuestion (Parser Queries)
partitionList(lst, fn) (Functions)
Passage (TravelConnector Classes)
pathfind.t: (Optional Modules)
Pathfinding in SenseRegions (Pathfinding)
PathPassage (TravelConnector Classes)
pcArrivalTurn (Actor-Specific Properties)
pcDefaultSayQuip (Controlling Implicit Say)
pcJustArrived (Actor-Specific Properties)
pcJustArrived (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
pcRouteFinder (routeFinder and pcRouteFinder)
person (Defining the Player Character)
Phrase Matching (Things)
physicalTopicObjs (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
Platform (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
plausibleLockList (Keys)
Player (Defining the Player Character)
Player Character and NPC Knowledge
playerCharName (Changing the Player Character)
playerHelper object (Help for New Players)
PlugAttachable (Attachables)
plugAttachableLister (Types of Lister)
plural (Basic Properties)
pop() (Vector)
Porting an existing game (The Web UI)
Postures (Extensions)
Pre-conditions (Action Results)
preCond (Pre-conditions)
prefixMethod: (CustomRoomLister)
PreinitObject (Notes)
priority (Extra Hints)
priority (VerbRules)
priority (CustomMessages Objects)
priority (Parser Queries)
priority (Priority of Doers)
priority (Specials)
Priority of Doers (Doers)
processOptions(lst) (Generating Lists)
PromptDaemon (Events)
proper (Basic Properties)
proper (Defining a Room)
ProxyActor (The Actor Object)
ProxyDest (Go To with Enterable, Distant and ProxyDest)
Pseudo-Postural Properties (Things)
PURLOIN (Built-In Debugging Commands)
Purpose of Actor States (Actor States)
Purpose of AgendaItems (AgendaItems)
push(val) (Vector)
push-travel actions (Pushing and Pulling Things Around)
Pushing and Pulling Things Around (Things)


Q Object (Querying the World Model)
QDefaults (Specials)
QSenseRegion (Specials)
qtype (QueryTopic)
qualified (Basic Properties)
Querying the World Model
QueryTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
QueryTopic (Special Topics)
QUIT, disconnect, and program termination (The Web UI)


RandomEventList (EventList)
reachable (The Conditions Under Which Topics are Suggested)
reachBlockedMsg(target) (Specials and the touchObj PreCondition: Customizing Failure Messages)
reachBlocker(a, b) (The Q Object)
Reaching In and Out (Things)
ReachProblem (Specials and the touchObj PreCondition: Customizing Failure Messages)
Reacting to Actions
Reacting to Travel (Reacting to Actions)
readDesc (Miscellaneous Properties)
RearContainer (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
reasonInvoked (ConvAgendaItem)
recognizableInDark (Other Room Properties and Methods)
recurring (Scenes)
regionAfterAction() (Regions)
regionAfterTravel(traveler, connector) (Regions)
regionBeforeAction() (Regions)
regionBeforeTravel(traveler, connector) (Regions)
regionDaemon() (Regions)
regions (Other Room Properties and Methods)
regions (Regions)
Regions (Rooms and Regions)
Regular verbs (Conjugations and Tenses)
Relations (Extensions)
Remap (Action Results)
remapBehind (The remapXXX properties and Multiple Containment)
remapIn (The remapXXX properties and Multiple Containment)
remapOn (The remapXXX properties and Multiple Containment)
remapUnder (The remapXXX properties and Multiple Containment)
remapXXX properties and Multiple Containment (Things)
Remote Descriptions (SenseRegion)
Remote Sensing (SenseRegion)
Remote Communications (SenseRegion)
remoteContentsLister (Customizing Listers)
remoteDesc(pov) (Remote Descriptions)
remoteInitSpecialDesc(pov) (Remote Descriptions)
remoteListenDesc(pov) (Remote Descriptions)
remoteObjInName(pov) (Remote Descriptions)
remoteRoomContentsLister (Types of Lister)
remoteSmellDesc(pov) (Remote Descriptions)
remoteSpecialDesc(pov) (Thing-like Properties)
remoteSpecialDesc(pov) (Remote Descriptions)
remoteSubContentsLister (Types of Lister)
removeEvent() (Events)
removeFromAgenda(item) (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
removeFromAllAgendas(item) (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
removeFromBothAgendas(item) (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
removeFromCurAgendas(item) (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
removeFromPendingAgenda(item) (Adding AgendaItems to Agenda Lists)
removeVocabWord(word, matchFlags?) (Manipulating vocab at run-time)
replaceVocab(voc) (Manipulating vocab at run-time)
Report (Action Results)
reportAfter(msg) (Action)
reportFailureAfterSuccess (Defining New TActions)
reportHolding (Test Scripts)
reportImplicitActions (Reporting Implicit Actions)
Reporting Implicit Actions (Implicit Actions)
reportMove (Test Scripts)
resetItem() (Defining AgendaItems)
ResolvedTopic (Working with TopicActions and TopicTActions)
ResolvedTopic (Matching a Command)
resolveIobjFirst (Verify)
resolveIobjFirst (Defining TIActions)
Resource files (The Web UI)
reverseConnect(obj) (Attachables)
right(n) (String)
rmcAskObject (StringPreParser)
rmcCommand (StringPreParser)
rmcDisambig (StringPreParser)
role (filterResolveList())
Room Descriptions
Room Parts (Extensions)
roomAfterAction() (Other Room Properties and Methods)
roomBeforeAction() (Other Room Properties and Methods)
roomContentsLister (Customizing Listers)
roomcontentsStyleTag (Defining a Room)
roomDaemon() (Other Room Properties and Methods)
roomdescStyleTag (Defining a Room)
roomFirstDesc (Other Room Properties and Methods)
roomList (Regions)
roomnameStyleTag (Defining a Room)
roomRemoteListOrder(pov) (SenseRegion)
rooms (Regions)
Rooms and Regions
roomTitle (Defining a Room)
routeFinder (routeFinder and pcRouteFinder)
routeFinder and pcRouteFinder (Pathfinding)
routeFinder.excludeLockedDoors = true (routeFinder and pcRouteFinder)
Rules (Extensions)
runOrder (StringPreParser)


Sample (The helpMessage object)
sayActorArriving(fromLoc) (Actor-Specific Properties)
sayActorDeparting(conn) (Actor-Specific Properties)
sayArriving(fromLoc) (Actor-Specific Properties)
sayDeparting(conn) (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
sayDeparting(conn) (Actor-Specific Properties)
sayFollowing(oldLoc) (Actor-Specific Properties)
sayFollowing(oldLoc) (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
Saying Goodbye (Hello and Goodbye)
Saying Hello (Hello and Goodbye)
SayTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
SayTopic (Special Topics)
Scene (Scenes)
scene.t: (Optional Modules)
SceneTopic (Extensions)
scentBlocker(a, b) (The Q Object)
scopeList(actor) (The Q Object)
score.t: (Optional Modules)
scoreBoost (Topic Entries)
scoreBoost (Topic Groups)
searchListed (Determining What’s Listed)
SecretDoor (Other Miscellaneous Classes)
seen (Basic Properties)
seen (The Knowledge Model)
seenProp (The Knowledge Model)
SenseDaemon (Events)
SenseFuse (Events)
SenseFuse (Events)
SenseRegion class (SenseRegion)
senseRegion.t: (Optional Modules)
Sensory (Extensions)
Sensory Emanation Classes (Extras)
Sensory Properties (Things)
setAboutBox (The gameMain Object)
setCurState(stat) (Actor-Specific Properties)
setDelay() (Extra Hints)
setDelay(turns) (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
setKnown() (The Knowledge Model)
setKnowsAbout() (The Knowledge Model)
setPlayer(actor) (Changing the Player Character)
setPlayer(actor, person = 2) (Functions)
setSeen() (The Knowledge Model)
setState(stat) (Switching ActorState)
Settable (Settables and Dials)
Settables and Dials (Gadgets)
Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes (Extras)
shift() (Vector)
show(lst, paraCnt, paraBrk = true) (Listers)
show(lst, parent, paraBrk = true) (ItemLister)
showAbout() (The versionInfo Object)
showAboutBox() (Notes)
showAdditionalInfo (ItemLister)
showCredit() (The versionInfo Object)
showGoodbye() (The gameMain Object)
showIntro() (Notes)
showIntro() (The gameMain Object)
showList() (Listers)
showList(lst, pl, parent) (ItemLister)
showListEmpty(paraCnt) (Listers)
showListPrefix(lst, pl, paraCnt) (Listers)
showListSuffix(lst, pl, paraCnt) (Listers)
showSubListing (ItemLister)
ShowTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
showWornInfo (ItemLister)
shuffle() (List)
shuffle() (Vector)
ShuffledEventList (EventList)
ShuffledEventList (EventList)
shuffleFirst (EventList)
sightBlocker(a, b) (The Q Object)
sightSize (Remote Sensing)
Signals (Extensions)
SimpleAttachable (Attachables)
simpleAttachmentLister (Types of Lister)
singleIobj (Defining TIActions)
SingletonIterator (Object)
sitOnScore (Pseudo-Postural Properties)
smellDesc (Sensory Properties)
smellSize (Remote Sensing)
socketCapacity (PlugAttachable)
Some Input Issues
Some Output Issues
sortingOrder (Directions)
Sound playback (The Web UI)
soundBlocker(a, b) (The Q Object)
soundSize (Remote Sensing)
Special Remote Scope Considerations (SenseRegion)
Special Topics
specialAOrAn (CustomVocab)
specialDesc (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
specialDesc (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
specialDesc (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
specialDesc (Basic Properties)
specialDesc (Thing-like Properties)
specialDescBeforeContents (Room Descriptions)
specialDescOrder (Room Descriptions)
specialDescOrder (Generating Lists)
Specials (Querying the World Model)
Specials and the touchObj PreCondition: Customizing Failure Messages (Querying the World Model)
spelledToInt(val) (Functions)
spellNumber(n) (Functions)
stagingLocation (Containment Properties and Methods)
StairwayDown (TravelConnector Classes)
StairwayUp (TravelConnector Classes)
Standard Hints (Hints)
standOnScore (Pseudo-Postural Properties)
startedAt (Scenes)
startFollowing() (Actor-Specific Properties)
Starting Out — A Minimal Game Definition
startLocation (The playerHelper object)
startsWhen (Scenes)
State (Manipulating vocab at run-time)
stateDesc (Defining an ActorState: the Common Properties)
stateDesc (Thing-like Properties)
stateDesc (Basic Properties)
statusroomStyleTag (Defining a Room)
StopEventList (EventList)
stopFollowing() (Actor-Specific Properties)
strComp(lst, cmp) (List)
strict (Defining What a Doer Does)
String (Utility Functions)
String Tags and Object Tags
StringPreParser (Some Input Issues)
stripArticle(txt) (List-Related Functions)
StyleTags (Defining a Room)
SubComponent (The remapXXX properties and Multiple Containment)
subLister (Types of Lister)
subLister.maxNestingDepth (Further Listing Options)
Subtime (Extensions)
suffixMethod: (CustomRoomLister)
suggestAs (Suggesting Conversational Topics)
suggestedTopicLister (Suggesting Conversational Topics)
Suggesting Conversational Topics
suggestionKey (The Conditions Under Which Topics are Suggested)
suggestionKey (TopicEntries that Suggest Other Topics)
Summarizing Give and Show (The ActorTopicEntry Class)
summaryProp (Summarizing Give and Show)
summaryReport (Summarizing Give and Show)
Surface (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
Switch (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
Switching ActorState (Actor States)
Symconn (Extensions)
SyncEventList (EventList)
Synonyms for Existing Actions (Defining New Actions)
sysman.html (The System Manual)
Sysrules (Extensions)
System Manual (Starting Out — A Minimal Game Definition)
SystemAction (A Taxonomy of Actions)


TAction (A Taxonomy of Actions)
TalkTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
TalkTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
tasteDesc (Sensory Properties)
tellMatchObj (Special Topics)
TellTalkShowTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
TellTalkTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
TellTopic (Basic Ask/Tell)
TellTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
tenses (Notes)
TEST XXX (Built-In Debugging Commands)
Test Scripts (Debugging Commands)
testHolding (Test Scripts)
testList (Test Scripts)
testName (Test Scripts)
theName (Working with TopicActions and TopicTActions)
theName (Basic Properties)
Thing-like Properties (The Actor Object)
Thought (Thoughts)
ThoughtManager (Thoughts)
thoughts.t: (Optional Modules)
throughSingleNoun (Defining TIActions)
TIAAction (Extensions)
TIAction (A Taxonomy of Actions)
Time (Scenes)
time (Objective Time)
time (Subtime)
timesHappened (Scenes)
timesToSuggest (The Conditions Under Which Topics are Suggested)
title (Menus)
tokens (filterResolveList())
tokens (Working with TopicActions and TopicTActions)
toList() (List)
tooFarAwayMsg (Specials and the touchObj PreCondition: Customizing Failure Messages)
TopHintMenu (Standard Hints)
Topic Actions
Topic Entries
Topic Groups
Topic scope (Object Scope and Topic Scope)
TopicAction (Topic Actions)
TopicAction (A Taxonomy of Actions)
topicAobj ()
TopicEntries that Suggest Other Topics (Suggesting Conversational Topics)
topicEntry.t: (Optional Modules)
topicList (Working with TopicActions and TopicTActions)
topicMatched (Topic Entries)
topicResponse (Topic Entries)
topicScopeList() (The Q Object)
TopicTAction (A Taxonomy of Actions)
TopicTAction (Topic Actions)
toSingleNoun (Defining TIActions)
touchObj (Pre-conditions)
touchObj (Specials and the touchObj PreCondition: Customizing Failure Messages)
touchResponseMsg (Attacking, Touching and Kissing)
TouchTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
TouchTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
transmitsLight (TravelConnectors)
Trapping badly-formed commands (Help for New Players)
Travel Connectors and Barriers
TravelAction (A Taxonomy of Actions)
travelBarriers (TravelConnectors)
TravelBarriers (Travel Connectors and Barriers)
travelBlocked(conn) (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
TravelConnector Classes (Extras)
TravelConnectors (Travel Connectors and Barriers)
travelDesc (TravelConnectors)
traveledThisTurn (Other Kinds of AgendaItem)
travelerEntering(traveler, origin) (Regions)
travelerEntering(traveler, origin) (Other Room Properties and Methods)
travelerLeaving(traveler, dest) (Regions)
travelerLeaving(traveler, dest) (Other Room Properties and Methods)
travelVia(actor) (TravelConnectors)
travelVia(conn, announceArrival = true) (Actor-Specific Properties)
traversed (TravelConnectors)
traversedBy (TravelConnectors)
Triggering Implicit Actions (Implicit Actions)
trim() (String)
truncationLength (Instructions)
tryImplicitAction() (Triggering Implicit Actions)
tryInt(val) (Functions)
tryNumber(val) (Functions)
tSel(‘present’, ‘past’) (Conjugations and Tenses)
typeInfo (Suggesting Conversational Topics)
Types of Lister (Lists and Listers)


Under (Defining containment type with the contType property)
Underside (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
unknownDest_ (Doors)
unshift(val) (Vector)
Unthing (Other Miscellaneous Classes)
unvisitedExitColour (Exits)
Use cls() instead of clearScreen() (The Web UI)
Use aHref() for command links (The Web UI)
Use inputManager methods for input (The Web UI)
useParentheticalListing (The gameMain Object)
usePastTense (The gameMain Object)
Using the ConvNode Class (Conversation Nodes)
Utility Functions


validSettings (Settables and Dials)
valToList() (Defining TIActions)
valToList(val) (Functions)
Varying the Response (Basic Ask/Tell)
Vector (Utility Functions)
verbose (The gameMain Object)
verbParams (CustomVocab)
verbPhrase (VerbRules)
verbPhrase (Synonyms for Existing Actions)
VerbRules (Defining New Actions)
Verify (Action Results)
version (The versionInfo Object)
versionInfo Object (Beginnings)
VideoLink (The Communications Link Special)
Viewport (Extensions)
visibleInDark (Sensory Properties)
visited (Other Room Properties and Methods)
vocab (Defining a Room)
vocab (Defining a Room)
vocab (Thing-like Properties)
vocab Property in Detail (Things)
vocabWhenClosed (Other Miscellaneous Classes)
vocabWhenOpen (Other Miscellaneous Classes)


waitKey(x) (Use inputManager methods for input)
walls (Room Parts)
WARNING! (EventList)
watchForOutput(func) (Some Output Issues)
weak token (The vocab Property in Detail)
Wearable (Shallow Equivalents to adv3 Classes)
Web UI
Web-based play. (The Web UI)
Weight (Extensions)
when (Matching Special Conditions)
When to Use Message Parameter Substitutions (Messages)
whenEnding (Scenes)
whenStarting (Scenes)
where (Matching Special Conditions)
Which Optional Modules Do You Need? (Core and Optional Modules)
who (Matching Special Conditions)
withSingleNoun (Defining TIActions)
Working with LiteralActions and LiteralTActions (Literal Actions)
Working with TopicActions and TopicTActions (Topic Actions)
wornBy (Behavioural Properties)
wornLister (Types of Lister)


YesNoTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
yesOrNo() (Functions)
YesTopic (The Different Types of ActorTopicEntry)
You can’t reach the target from the loc (Specials and the touchObj PreCondition: Customizing Failure Messages)
You can’t reach the target through the container (Specials and the touchObj PreCondition: Customizing Failure Messages)
you must choose in advance (Choosing between the regular UI and the Web UI)


{es/ed} (Conjugations and Tenses)
{ies/ies} (Conjugations and Tenses)
{present|past} (Conjugations and Tenses)
{s/?ed} (Conjugations and Tenses)
{s/d} (Conjugations and Tenses)
{s/ed} (Conjugations and Tenses)

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