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The Language > Fundamental
Fundamental Datatypes
This section describes the fundamental (“primitive”) datatypes of the TADS 3 Virtual Machine. These are the values that variables, function and method parameters, object properties, list elements can hold and that expressions can yield.
TADS 3 uses what’s called strong run-time typing. It’s strong in that each value is of a definite type; this is in contrast to languages where values can be interpreted in various ways according to context, or freely coerced between unrelated types by reinterpreting a value’s raw bit pattern. It’s run-time typing in that value containers - things like variables and object properties - are free to hold any type, and can hold different types at different times. You don’t ever tell the compiler which type of value a variable can hold, as you would in a “statically typed” language like C or Java, since in TADS, any variable can hold any type of value.
The T3 VM implements run-time typing by “tagging” each value with its type. Every value stored in a local variable, an object property, a list element, or anywhere else - even in temporary VM registers - is tagged with its datatype. This lets you determine a given value’s type at any time, and lets the VM automatically determine how to handle a given calculation with a given set of input values.
nil and true
is a special value that means “false” in
contexts where a condition is being tested (such as an
and for
statements, or the &&
operators). nil
is also used to represent “empty” values; in particular, it’s frequently
used where an object reference would otherwise be used to mean “no
is a special value that means “true” in
condition contexts.
This is the basic numeric datatype. It’s represented as a 32-bit signed binary integer value. This type can hold values from -2147483648 to +2147483647 (inclusive).
Integer constants can be written in source code in decimal, hexadecimal, or octal:
- A decimal integer constant is a non-zero digit (1 to 9) followed by
zero or more decimal digits (0 to 9), or simply the digit 0 by itself:
15 25 2147483647
- A hexadecimal integer constant is written as
followed by one or more hex digits (0 to 9, a to f, or A to F):0x1A 0xFFFF 0x10000000
- An octal integer constant is written as 0 followed by one or more
octal digits (0 to 7):
0177 0100
Integers can be used with the arithmetic operators, the comparison
operators, the “bitwise” logic operators, and the logical operators
, \|\|
When integers are used with logical operators, with ?
, or as condition expressions in if
, while
statements, 0 is treated as “false” and any non-zero value is treated as
An enumerator is a symbolic value representing a unique entity.
Internally, the compiler assigns an arbitrary 32-bit integer value to
each enumerator; within a given program, each enumerator has a unique
value, so it’s guaranteed that a != b
for any
two distinct enumerator names a
in a single program.
Enumerator symbols are defined with the enum
enum symbol [ , ... ] ;
For example,
enum red, blue, green;
Once an enumerator symbol is defined, you can simply refer to it by name in expressions:
local x = red;
(Although enumerators are represented as integers internally, they’re not integer values from the program’s perspective. “Enumerator” is a distinct type from Integer. Enumerator values cannot be used with the arithmetic operators, for example, and comparing an enumerator to an integer value will always yield “unequal,” even if the enumerator’s internal integer value happens to be equal to the given integer.)
See the section on enumerators for more details.
Property ID
A property ID is an internal identifier that the compiler assigns to a property name symbol. The compiler assigns a unique, arbitrary ID to each property symbol used anywhere within a program.
You obtain a property ID value using the &
local a = &getOwner;
This doesn’t evaluate the property getOwner
any object; instead, it simply stores the ID of
in the local variable
. This variable can be used to evaluate the
property on a particular object at a later time, using the
owner = someObj.(a);
Function pointer
A function pointer is an internal identifer that the compiler assigns to a function. The compiler assigns a unique, arbitrary ID to each function defined in a program.
You obtain a function pointer value by referring to the function name
without an argument list, and without any parentheses after its name.
This doesn’t invoke the function, but rather simply yields a pointer to
the function, which you can store in a variable for later use. You can
later invoke the function to which the pointer refers using the
( )
function-call operator.
return x*2;
// get a pointer to times2
local f = times2;
// later... call through the pointer
local x = (f)(7);
You can also get a pointer to a function using the
operator, although it’s not required:
local f = ×2;
Pointer to built-in function
Just as you can get a pointer to a function you’ve defined, you can get
a pointer to a built-in function. In this case the
operator is mandatory, because merely
writing the name of a built-in function has the effect of calling it,
even without arguments. The &
operator tells
the compiler that you don’t actually want to call the function, but
merely want a pointer to it:
local f = &tadsSay;
Once you have a built-in function pointer value, you can do the same sorts of things with it that you can do with a regular function pointer, such as calling the function via the pointer:
local f = &tadsSay;
f('Hello, world, indirectly!\n');
A list is an ordered collection of values. The elements in a list can contain any type of value, and types can be freely mixed (that is, the elements don’t need to be of the same type).
A list constant is written in source code by enclosing a comma-separated list of values in square brackets:
local lst = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1];
This creates a list of five elements, with the integer value 5 as the first element, 4 as the second element, and so on.
The elements of a list can be obtained by indexing the list with the
\[ \]
local a = lst[4];
The expression inside the square brackets is the index expression; this must evaluate to an integer from 1 to the number of elements in the list.
A list is a type of object, of class List, and provides a number of
methods that perform operations on the list. Lists can also be used with
certain operators; the +
operator can be used
to create a new list by appending elements to an existing list’s
contents, for example.
Lists are “immutable,” meaning that a given list object’s contents cannot be changed during execution. Operations that manipulate lists therefore must create new lists any time a list’s contents are to be amended.
Because lists are objects, a “list value” that’s stored in a variable is actually a reference to a List object.
For more details on lists, see the section on the List intrinsic type.
A string is an ordered set of Unicode characters. A string constant is written in source code by enclosing a sequence of characters in single-quote marks:
local str = 'Hello, world!';
A string is a type of object, of class String, and provides a number of
methods that perform operations on the string. Strings can also be used
with certain operators; the +
operator can be
used to create a new string by concatenating the contents of a given
string with another string’s contents, for example.
Strings are “immutable,” meaning that a given string object’s contents cannot be changed during execution. Operations that manipulate strings therefore must create new strings any time a string’s contents are to be amended.
Because strings are objects, a “string value” that’s stored in a variable is actually a reference to a String object.
The String Literals chapter has details on how to enter strings in a program’s source code. For information on manipulating string objects, see the String intrinsic type section.
An object is a data structure that combines data values and procedural
code into a single package. The data values are called “properties,” and
the procedural code elements are called “methods.” Each property and
method of an object is identified by a property ID, and can be retrieved
(in the case of a property) or invoked (in the case of a method) by
using the .
operator to combine the object’s
reference with the property ID of the property or method.
Each object has an internal identifier assigned by the VM; this is called a “reference” to the object. Variables and other value containers can store these reference values.
We sometimes say that a variable “contains an object,” but when we say this we always actually mean that the variable contains a reference to that object. The actual contents of an object are always off in a private memory area managed by the VM; an object’s contents are never actually stored inside a variable (or a list element, object property, etc).
Each object has one or more “superclasses.” A superclass of an object is simply another object - typically a “class” object - from which the object “inherits” properties and mehods. An object is said to be a “subclass” of a given class if the given class is among the object’s immediate superclasses, or if any of the object’s immediate superclasses are subclasses of the given class.
The syntax for defining objects is described in more detail in the section on defining objects.
All objects are subclasses of the root object class, Object. This class provides a number of methods, which all objects inherit. See the Object intrinsic class section for details
Intrinsic Classes
In addition to the fundamental types above, the T3 VM has a number of “intrinsic” classes. These are object classes that are implemented within the VM itself, which lets them provide special functionality that would be difficult or impossible to implement directly within TADS 3 code. For the most part, the special functionality involves either access to the external operating system environment, or processing that’s computationally intensive enough and frequent enough to justify being implemented in native machine code.
Intrinsic classes work essentially like ordinary objects, which lets them provide their special functionality through the same property/method interfaces that ordinary objects use.
The intrinsic classes are covered in detail in their own sections, but we’ll provide a quick reference to them here.
The BigNumber class provides high-precision integer and floating-point arithimetic.
The compiler makes BigNumber look almost like a native type, in that you can create BigNumber objects simply by writing floating-point constants in ordinary expressions, and you can use BigNumber values with the arithmetic operators. You can also combine integers and BigNumber values with the arithmetic operators; when you do, the result is a BigNumber with the same precision as the BigNumber operand.
A floating-point constant is written in the following format:
digits [ . [ digits ] ] [ E [ + | - ] digits ]
The E
(which can be upper- or lower-case) can
be used for “scientific notation,” to specify a power of ten by which to
multiply the part before the E
. For example,
means 1.25×109, or 1.25
billion, and 7.20e-3
7.20×10-3, or 0.00720.
Zeros at the end of a floating-point constant are meaningful, because
they indicate additional precision. The compiler determines the
precision of each floating-point constant in the source code by counting
the number of digits starting with the first “significant” figure, and
including trailing zeros. The first significant figure is the first
non-zero digit. For example, 0.000010
has a
precision of 2, since the first significant figure is the 1, and the
trailing zero counts as another.
See the BigNumber section for details.
The ByteArray class provides an array of raw bytes (“octets”), which is useful for manipulating binary files.
Refer to the ByteArray section.
The CharacterSet class provides services for mapping between Unicode (which the VM uses internally) and nearly any other character encoding. This is useful for reading and writing external text files.
Refer to the CharacterSet section.
The Collection class is the common base class for List, Vector, and LookupTable. This class defines a basic interface in common to all of the Collection classes, which lets you write certain code so that it works uniformly with any collection type.
Refer to the Collection section.
The Dictionary class is a specialized lookup table that maintains vocabulary data for input parsers built with the GrammarProd class. The compiler has special features that make it easier to populate a Dictionary object’s contents.
Refer to the Dictionary section.
The File class provides input/output services for manipulating external files.
Refer to the File section.
The GrammarProd class is a specialized pattern-matching class designed
for implementing input parsers. The compiler has special features
(specifically the grammar
object declaration
statement) that make it easier to create GrammarProd objects.
Refer to the GrammarProd section.
The IntrinsicClass class is an internal type that’s used to represent an intrinsic class. For uniformity in the type system, each intrinsic class is itself represented by an object, and that object is of this class. For example, the Iterator class is represented by an object called Iterator, which is of class IntrinsicClass. Naturally, the IntrinsicClass class is represented by an object called IntrinsicClass of class IntrinsicClass.
Refer to the IntrinsicClass section.
The Iterator class provides a generic interface for stepping through the
contents of a Collection. The foreach
statement uses an Iterator internally to carry out its iteration, but
you can use these objects explicitly as well.
Refer to the Iterator section.
The LookupTable class provides “hash table” functionality, also known as an “associative array.” This is a collection that behaves like an array, except that the index values can be arbitrary “key” values, not just integers.
Refer to the LookupTable section.
The RexPattern class stores a “compiled regular expression.” A regular expression is a string written in a special format, representing a pattern that can be searched for in other strings. A compiled regular expression is a processed version of this type of string, which the VM uses internally to search for the pattern. The processing step takes some CPU time to perform, so you might be able to make your program run a little faster by pre-compiling regular expression patterns you use frequently.
Refer to the RexPattern section.
The StringComparator class is a fast, native-code implementation of the Dictionary class’s special interface for comparing input text to dictionary words. StringComparator offers a number of customizable options that let you control how input strings are interpreted. The customization options are especially useful for non-English languages where accented characters are common.
Refer to the StringComparator section.
The TadsObject class is the base class for all objects defined in source code.
Refer to the TadsObject section.
The Vector class is similar to the basic List class, but with one important difference: Vectors are “mutable,” meaning that the elements and length of a Vector can be changed dynamically during execution.
Refer to the Vector section.
A WeakRefLookupTable is a special type of LookupTable that only “weakly”
references its elements. (A weak reference is different from an ordinary
reference in that the garbage collector is free to discard objects that
are reachable only through weak references; when the garbage collector
does discard such objects, it clears the weak references by setting them
to nil
Weak reference tables are useful for setting up caches and indices and the like, since they let you create a table that maps objects as long as they’re around, but doesn’t itself force them to stay around.
Refer to the WeakRefLookupTable section.
Notes for TADS 2 Users
In TADS 2, list constants could be specified by separating the elements with commas or spaces. TADS 3 requires commas to be used as separators in all cases.
TADS 3 System Manual
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The Language > Fundamental